
Win32API - How to get file name of process from process handle?

How can I get the file name of process from a process handle? I'm using Win32 C++ (Visual C++ Express Edition). Thanks. ...

How to start a process from another application and then open a terminal to that process in gnu screen

I'd like to be able to launch a process from a GUI application (right now I'm thinking specifically of letting an eclipse user -- possibly via a plugin -- click a button to launch a build using my organization's build system). I don't want this process to stop when I stop the parent application, and I want to be able to "switch into it"...

How can I open a help file (chm or so) from my GUI developed in VC++ 2008?

Hi, I'm trying to add some help to my GUI developed in VC++ 2008. I want to compile a chm file, or a hlp file that can be accessed from my menu. Anyone can give me any idea about how to do this? Thanks a lot ...

How can I recover a reference to a process that has been relaunched?

Using Process.Start, I am starting various IE8 and Firefox (3.5) processes which I keep a Process instance for. A little while later in the application, I'll use the Process instances' MainWindowHandle property to target the window for use with some platform API functions via P/Invoke. However, both IE8 and Firefox will kill the second...

subprocess: deleting child processes in Windows

On Windows, subprocess.Popen.terminate calls win32's TerminalProcess. However, the behavior I see is that child processes of the process I am trying to terminate is still running. Why is that? How do I ensure killing every god damn processes started by the process? ...

Respecting Fellow Developers

We've all been there. You have written some code and unit tests, the tests all pass, and the code is decent (nothing's perfect, right?). Then, someone who is sure that they know better than you comes along and decides to change your code or the interfaces to your code just because he/she does not like the variable/class names that you ...

Unmanaged C++ Get the current process id? (Console Application)

How can I get the current process id from an unmanaged C++ console application? I see that GetWindowThreadProcessId Works when you have an HWND, but what can I do for a console application? ...

Suspending the execution of a remote process (C, Windows)

I can suspend a thread of another process by using SuspendThread(). Is there any way to also suspend the execution of that process altogether? If yes, please post code. Thanks. PS: Since you will ask "Why do you want to do this" I'll post it here. I am dealing with legacy software that is not maintained anymore. I don't have access to ...

Using threads and ProcessBuilder

I am really unfamiliar with working with threads, so I was hoping someone could help me figure out the best way to do this. I have a JButton in my java application...when you click on the button, I have a Process Builder that creates a process which executes some external python code. The python code generates some files, and this can t...

java native Process timeout

At the moment I execute a native process using the following: java.lang.Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); int returnCode = process.waitFor(); Suppose instead of waiting for the program to return I wish to terminate if a certain amount of time has elapsed. How do I do this? ...

how to manage students (i.e. newbees) on a software project

Hello, I'm trying to figure out the best way to manage some enthusiastic adult students (with various technical backgrounds ranging from pure newbee to those with a more significant programming background) on a software development project which will involve creating a website for a small business. My thinking is to use something like ...

flex core process window

if someone presses ctrl +alt +delete or any kind of shutdown hook from any os and delete the flex process from task manager then how can i track from that flex process application that killing that flex process was activated so i like to do some processing before killing this process. ...

How to achieve Modularization of Software Projects

What are the best ways to achieve extremely loosely coupling? If you want to modularize your Software to such an extreme extent that no parts are relying upon any other parts in your system, but they would still be able to communicate, which means would we have to use (technology agnostic) to achieve this goals then Suggestions please,...

Does ClearCase fit our development process?

So, let me describe our current situation. We are a small team (6) of experienced Java developers, lost in a big IS team that is composed in majority with SAP and Siebel configurators. While all the other teams were currently using VSS, mostly as a vaulting system, our team had switch for Subversion (after evaluating DVCS as well) as it ...

Modal MessageBox on another Process' Handle may lock-up target Process

If I show a MessageBox as modal of a window on another process, it works just fine as long as my program remains responding. If it is closed or terminated while the MessageBox is showing the windows that received the MessageBox will be locked (but still responding) and it will have to be finalized via Task Manager. Here is a sample code...

finding why a DLL is being loaded

I have a winxp process which has all sorts of dlls and static libs. One of our libs is calling ms debug dlls, I have a suspicion which one it is but want to prove it in a tool like Process Explorer. How can I get a tree of my process, to see exactly who is loading what modules? ...

Which is the programming language to retreive info. such as OS info, memory, processes/threads, program version, DLL version etc?

I want to develop an application that can retreive information such as, DLL version, DLL build mode(debug or release), info. regarding OS, memory, processer, processes/threads, program version etc. I am developing this mainly for Windows, but it'd be good if the application supports Linux too(wherever applicable). I am basically a java ...

What exactly is the risk when using TerminateProcess?

My Win32 console applicaton uses a third-party library. After it exits WinMain global objects destruction begins and an AV happens somewhere deep inside. I'm really tempted to just write TerminateProcess( GetCurrentProcess(), 0 ); somewhere near the end of WinMain. If I do this the application ends gracefully. But MSDN says that doin...

c# get running process given process handle

Hi, can someone tell me how i can capture a running process in c# using the process class if i already know the handle? Id rather not have not have to enumerate the getrunning processes method either. pInvoke is ok if possible. ...

c# calculate CPU usage for a specific application

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to get the CPU usage for a particular process but can only find information relating to overall CPU usage. Does anyone know how to extract the current CPU usage in percentage terms for a specific application? ...