
How can I locate a process' global and stack areas in Win32?

How can I locate which areas of memory of a Win32 process contain the global data and the stack data for each thread? ...

.Net Why can't I get more than 11GB of allocated memory in a x64 process?

I thought that the maximum user space for a 64bit process was 8TB, but I did a little test and the maximum I could get is 10-11GB. Note: I don't need that much memory in a process, I just want to understand why out of curiosity. Here is my test program: static void Main(string[] args) { List<byte[]> list = new List<byte[]>(); ...

How do I interact with prompts using C# System.Diagnostics.Process?

I'm running a commandline process via C# System.Diagnostics.Process. When I enter this same command in cmd.exe, it immediately prompts me for a password. After I type in the password, the process continues to completion. However, using System.Diagnotic.Process, none of the standard output I'm redirecting ever produces a password prompt...

killing a process kills other processes

I have a shell script I wrote which does the following steps within a finite loop: I spawn a process, and wait for it to finish. If it does not finish within 40 seconds, I execute: kill -SIGTERM pid I have found sometimes, even by doing the kill -SIGTERM pid, the process doesn't respond to being killed. In this case, after an additio...

How to gracefully terminate a process?

I want to terminate a number of processes, but I want to give each process the chance to save its data, ask the user about saving a file and even ignore the close request. So TerminateProcess is out of the question, because it kills the process instantly. Another way would be to use SendMessage/PostMessage to send a WM_CLOSE to the main...

How stops webdev.webserver.exe

Hi all, how can stops WebDev.WebServer.exe process without kill it?? I can do this: taskkill /F /IM WebDev.WebServer.exe -works on Windows XP- but another solution without kill the proccess ??? thanks in advanced. ...

Alternative to Process.Start()

Hi, I'm just finishing off coding a a document storage solution and I've run across the following issue. Within the UI the user can press a button to open a file: try { Process.Start(file); } catch (Exception ex) { //Error handling code } My ...

How to set Process Name for my own application

Hi, I have created a simple java networking program. I am using Fedora. whenever I want to see what the processes run on my system I found that for my application the process Name is java. I want give process name for my application. How to give process name. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

Memory analysis for a process

Hello guys I have a process which calls/creates another process, and this one will load a bunch of modules. The thing is that these modules will all be loaded in the same process as the caller (by default). Is there any way that I can collect resources information for the individual loaded module, even through they are all on one big p...

Auto kill fastcgi process when deploying django

Hi: Everything goes well days ago. But since today, when I run fastcgi, the process will be killed by system automatically. The worst thing is I don't know why and which process kill the fastcgi process. Let me give some detail. we use nginx to serve static files for another django app which listen to 80 port.(this is for production ...

How to check if a program is using .NET?

Can we check if a running application or a program uses .Net framework to execute itself? ...

Determining maximum memory use of a process

I want to run a command and, when it's complete, have a record of the maximum memory use of the resulting process. For instance, I want something analogous to the 'time' command on Linux, where 'time foo' will run 'foo' and, when 'foo' exits, will print out the amount of CPU time that 'foo' took. For my present application I need this t...

quiting a c# application leaves it in memory

I'm using c# to write a windows form which installs and deploys WSPs to a sharepoint server. The problem I am having is that when I detect a problem and quit the application or when the cross in the top right of the form is pressed the form closes but the task is still in the process list. My quit code is: this.close(); application.qui...

How to make tomcat process wait till some processes get started?

Hi I have a tomcat file which starts tomcat service using the following cmd start() { $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/ -nullLog } I want tomcat to start after exactly 10 processes with the name sm_server and 1 process with the name sm_trapd is started. how do i do this? please help ...

Win32: How to enumerate child processes?

What's the best way to enumerate the child processes of the currently running process under Win32? I can think of a couple of ways to do it, but they seem overly complicated and slow. Here's the requirements for the solution: Specifically I need to know if any there are any processes currently running which were started by the current ...

Background java process not exiting

I'm starting a java program in background with java what.ever.Class &. It throws an exception in the first line and prints out the stack. I'd expect the java process to exit at that point, but for some reason it stays there waiting (no code running, not threads spawned, etc.). It's not a zombie, because it exits properly on the first SI...

Process Builder Issue

I am working on a java program where I have to call another java program using process builder because it uses a separate JRE. Here is batch program which calls this program and works properly: cd C:\apps\Project_name\bin\ C:\Progra~1\Java\jre1.6.0_03\bin\java -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -cp ../lib/spring-1.2.2.jar;../lib/log4j-1.2.8.jar;...

Starting a process as an other user in OnAfterInstall gets access denied.

Hi I'm tryning to start a .bat file as the last step in OnAfterInstall in the context of an other user. I'm doing this by using the Process.Start overload with user name, domain and password as input. It works fine if I do not check the 'Everyone' in the installation. If i have the 'Everyone' selected I get access denied, with the same...

How to safely link to data processing pages in PHP

Let me explain the title: Take the "flag as inappropriate" link on any youtube video as an example. That's basically a link to a page that processes the request (such as, is the person who clicked it a logged-in user, what's the id of the video flagged, etc). If everything goes well, the video is flagged and a right output is given to th...

Starting a process without stealing focus (C#)

I need to be able to start processes (both console and windowed) without it stealing focus. The only way within the .NET framework that I found to do this is Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.Shell with Microsoft.VisualBasic.AppWinStyle.[Minimized|Normal]NoFocus (which map to SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE/SW_SHOWMA being passed through to ShellExe...