
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe") has no input to read

I'm trying to execute a new process and read from its input stream in Java. I have successfully used Runtime.getRuntime().exec(String) to start and receive input from several processes. However, when I try to use exec on some other processes, the input stream's read method blocks, and it appears that there is no input. What might be caus...

Windows Service/Process - exchange data/instructions

I need a way to exchange data between a process and a windows service. The process (Windows Form Application, Console Application, in the future also a Web Solution) needs to instruct and interact with the windows service. I want to know which way is the best to accompplish this. I'll write the solution in C#, .NET Framework version do...

Android ActivityManager killBackgroundProcess not working

I am using eclipse. I am trying to kill a process in my application. However, in eclipse it does not seem to know the hint for killBackgroundProcess from the ActivityManager and it will not let me proceed. I read that you have to have permissions to kill background processes and already added the permission which it did not recognize eit...

Java Dealing with child Process

Hello, I have a simple script that writes output to the console using ProcessBuilder. And OutputStreamWriter see: An earlier thread. I believe my problem rests with the fact a sub process is spawned and the initial Parent process is killed. Resulting in t...

how to verify if a use-case fits in my design?

We have designed an application, actually a framework, keeping few use-cases/scenarios in-mind. Now we want to verify our design with few other use cases? Are there any tools - probably process tools - to verify if the use cases out there fits into our design? ...

Redundant loop inside a process (VHDL)?

Hello, I'm taking a university course to learn digital design using VHDL, and was doing some reading in the book the other day where I came across the following piece of code: architecture abstract of computer_system is ... cpu : process is variable instr_reg : word; variable PC : natural; ... begin...

How to list all the processes which are using/accessing a given Linux kernel driver

Hi, Is there any way to list all the processes which are using/accessing a given Linux kernel driver? I've got a (framebuffer) driver which I'm trying to rmmod, however the system is returning Module is in use, and I'd like to get to the bottom of it and see what process is still using it. Can we get first the file descriptors that're...

Set Windows Process 'Comment' via .Net?

When looking at my Windows tasks via Microsoft's/Sysinternal's Process Explorer I can see/modify a process's 'Comment' attribute. Is it possible to set this attribute programmatically from within the process itself somehow in a .Net application or this something specific to Process Explorer? ...

Can't get window handle of a D3D application

Hello there, I'm trying to send keys to a minimized/unfocused D3D application using C#. So I borrow FindWindowEx and PostMessage function from the Win32 API. I also used Winspector Spy to determine the class name of the D3D canvas to fill in the 3rd parameter of FindWindowEx function, and the name is "D3D Window". Here's my code: Sy...

How to proceed after Delphi 2010 "Debug session in progress. Terminate?" message?

I am getting a lot of occurences of the message "Debug session in progress. Terminate?" when trying to re-run my application after routine editing in Delphi 2010. My Application has already been run (maybe several times) and quits without any problem back into my editing mode, yet after completing my edit sometimes the Run option is disa...

Sharing a complex object between Python processes?

I have a fairly complex Python object that I need to share between multiple processes. I launch these processes using multiprocessing.Process. When I share an object with multiprocessing.Queue and multiprocessing.Pipe in it, they are shared just fine. But when I try to share an object with other non-multiprocessing-module objects, it see...

How to find out the running/start time of android application?

Is there anyway to find out the start time of an application?ActivityManager provides pids etc for each application process but doesn't tell for how long process is running. ...

Reading StdOut Asynch from a c console app

I have a console based c app . I am executing it from c# silently using Redirecting Standard Output and doing it synchronously which works fine. Now i want to do it in asynch manner which is giving output like synch manner. i.e OutPutDataRecieved event is fired but only after the console app(exe) finishes.OutputDataRecieved event is fire...

SVN-related tools

Hi dear stackers, I'm getting more and more annoyed about some processes that could probably be automatically improved. Indeed, I would like to know if there are some tools that manage to: "force" commit message structure generate automatic changelog between two specific tags notify users by email when a maintenance branch (actually,...

C/C++ Determine Whether Files have been completely written

I have a directory (DIR_A) to dump from Server A to Server B which is expected to take a few weeks. DIR_A has the normal tree structure i.e. a directory could have subfolders or files, etc Aim: As DIR_A is being dumped to server B, I will have to go through DIR_A and search for certain files within it (do not know the exact name of ...

When using System.Diagnostic Process, will I miss some output lines between the start of process and start of capturing output?

If I have code such as proc.Start(); string resultOut; while ( (!proc.HasExited && (resultOut = stdOut.ReadLine()) != null)) { // Do some operation based on resultOut } Am I liable to miss some lines from when I start proc to when the capturing/parsing begins or will it wait? If it doesn't what can I do? ...

How could I know which core a process is running on?

I am currently working on a project about setting process to one core in linux environment. I use sched_setaffinity to do this job and I wonder whether there are some functions provided by linux to get which core the process is running on. I use top command and find it could get this info using j option. So i am sure there are some wa...

Try to make a process that can TSKILL itself

So I have a problem with a process that I am running, whenever I try to stop it using process.destroy(), it does not stop. I want to create a file (ProcessHandler) that extends Process and do the following: ProcessHandler process = (ProcessHandler)Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe /c \"java net/com/codeusa/Server 43594\""); So, my p...

How to Kill Java Process in Windows, WITHOUT killing javaw.exe?

I have an external Windows .exe that is actually Java application: Running the .exe starts javaw.exe, which in turn runs that Java application. I didn't write that application and have no access to it through an API. I need to be able to kill it, however. So right now I just kill the Windows process javaw.exe, which is fine for a test m...

get handle from process

how can access to main window handle from process ? ...