
Can a salaried computer programmer manage part-time contracting?

I'm a salaried computer programmer, and I make a pretty good living at it. I've been thinking of supplementing my income by handling a few part-time, paid consulting opportunities. I'm worried, though, that tinkering on the side might burn me out, that it might affect my work, or that it might get me in trouble at work if they find out a...

When should one apply Code Refactoring techinques in rails ?

What ever i am coding is it a Refactored code or not ? This question always makes me think twice while coding in Rails . When Should one apply Code Refactoring techniques in rails ? ,Are there any best practices for refactoring ? , Scenarios which you have come across your development experience will help people coding Professionally an...

Non-Mainstream Languages, Bad for your resume?

Hi folks, I got my BS in Computer Science about seven years ago. I spent two years in neuroscience research and the next three providing what amounts to tech support. But I love computer programming - and I have since written, as a freelancer, non-trivial commercial code in Haskell, Smalltalk, and Objective-C. I used these languages be...

What tools must a C++ programmer be familiar with when programming in industry rather than recreationally?

I'm interested in the differences in work flow, code management, tools you might be expected to be familiar with etc. Not stuff like "your code will need more rigorous testing", or "your code will need to be more readable/maintainable" or "getting paid"! These are obvious I think. Also, I don't really want a list of the pros and cons ...

Recommendations for technical (programming) podcasts or audio books?

I'd like to do some professional development during my commute, but I find that reading programming texts on the bus and train cause nausia because of how much I have to focus on them. I'd like to find some good technical programming audio books, either free or for purchase/download and some good technical podcasts. What are the best pr...

Resources for Learning ActionScript 3.0 as a Professional Programmer

I will be teaching myself ActionScript 3.0. I'm a professional programmer with great knowledge of C++, C#, Objective-C and Java. Is there any good source for learning the language that doesn't take a lot of space teaching the reader OOP and other beginner level information? More like "classes in ActionScript differs from classes in C++ i...

Pro JavaScript programmer interview questions (with answers)

What are good questions to determine if applicant is really a pro JavaScript (browser side) developer ? Questions that can distinguish if someone is not an ad-hoc JavaScript programmer, but is really doing professional JavaScript development, object-oriented, reusable, and maintainable. Please provide answers, so an intermediate and ad...

Must have JavaScript pro developer tools, libs, utilities and workshop configuration.

This is a followup question to the Pro JavaScript programmer interview questions (with answers). What is considered professional and industrial standard for a professional browser side Java Script developer when it comes to his workshop configuration, and maybe from-concept-to-shipment process? What are the most popular IDE's, utiliti...

What do you do to keep current

I've noticed that as I progress in my career I my day to day activities require less and less actual hands on development. However, I feel that I need to stay current, both for my own personal desire as well as being able to guide a team to best practices etc. I'm finding it very hard to stay on top of the game because there are so man...

What are the list of Patterns and Principals the programmer must/should know?

I have been doing code for a few years and still feeling that my knowledge still not broad enough to become a professional. I have studied some books related to Design Pattern but I know there are many others. So could anyone list the one which you think it is good to learn to become a better programmer and more professional? Programm...

What's a great book on moving into management from development?

So, I find myself being thrust into a development manager role. Over the last two months, I've found my managerial experience to be sorely lacking. Are there any good books on moving into a manager role from being a developer? One of the comments asked about what particular aspect is troubling me. I have to say the people side of the eq...

Which is a good psd to html/css converter service? (fixed price)

I'm looking for quality code, cheap and extra bonus if they make wordpressthemes. ...

What should an amateur programmer know about professional programming?

Possible Duplicate: What should every programmer know? I think many amateur programmers are here who are just writing programs, games, websites, demos for fun in their free time. I think many of them dreaming about getting a programming job in a company and earning a lot of money. I'm an amateur programmer, who code games fo...

Which programming language is easier to support

Which programming language is it easier to support developers in (namely developers that have little professional experience (i.e. dealing with changes out of their control)). Edit: I would define support as not restrict the professional development of the developer and enable them to grow enable senior staff to work alongside them i...

What is the definition of a good developer ?

I know it's quite a vast question, but I'm asking this from a "state of mind" point of view. I mean, what do you need to be a professional developer for a whole life? What are principal traits and skills you need to have to be a good coder? The only two I have in mind are - love to learn new technologies - very open-minded So, again, w...

Reason why development is better than testing

Hi, I need some reasons why being a professional developer is better than being a professional tester. Any help would be great thanks. P.S. Also if your opinion is that the reverse is true, it would be good to hear your points as well. EDIT: OK just thought I would try and make it clearer. I am not trying to find out which is actually...