
programming games (crobots like)

what are the currently popular programming games in the internet, something like crobots but with web-based interface that enables you to compete with anyone who has published his/her code earlier? ...

Favorite Online Judge Challenge

For years I have visited the UVa Online Judge site to practice programming skills and just recently ( thanks to this site ) discovered the Sphere Online Judge site. I am interested to know which challenges from these sites folks here found the most interesting, difficult, satisfying, perplexing, or amusing. ...

Learning Algorithms: Never getting any better

I want to implement algorithms and data structures for practice. I have a bunch of textbooks I am working through and although I can understand the idea and theories I can never seem to close the book and implement working code on my own, like people do in ACM programming contests. I can learn how to write a linked list in C, and forget...

Software Engineering/Application Development Contests

There are a few threads on SO that discuss coding contents & competitions. Unfortunately, many of them are either contrived problems, or based entirely on theory, math, and/or algorithms. Where can I find some contests that focus on the application development process, wherein the competetitors deliver an entire, functional & usable prod...

How to implement a web client in bash

Are you able to write a Bash script that will download an HTTP resource from the web? The inputs are: $hostname $port $path $output You can't: use external commands other than telnet (no sed, no awk, no wget, ...) use other shells You can: use /dev/tcp pseudo devices use telnet Your MUST pass this test (you can cha...

Can you answer this 2009 ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest Finals problem?

Out of curiosity, I was checking out the problem set to the 2009 ACM international collegiate programming contest. The questions are pretty interesting. They're available at I could not come up with an algorithm that solved problem 1, which I will reproduce here. It set off a livel...

C++ Programming Contests

I would like to test my C++ programming skill level by competing with others. What programming contests are there for C++? ...

Can you tell me why this generates time limit exceeded in spoj(Prime Number Generator)

#include<iostream> #include<string.h> #include<math.h> using namespace std; bool prime[1000000500]; void generate(long long end) { memset(prime,true,sizeof(prime)); prime[0]=false; prime[1]=false; for(long long i=0;i<=sqrt(end);i++) { if(prime[i]==true) { for(long long y=i*...

How would you go about tackling this problem? [SOLVED in C++]

Intro: EDIT: See solution at the bottom of this question (c++) I have a programming contest coming up in a bit, and I've been prepping :) I'm practicing using these questions: I'm looking at problem B ("Dinner"). Any idea where to start? I can't really think of a...

plane bombing problems- help

I'm training code problems, and on this one I am having problems to solve it, can you give me some tips how to solve it please. The problem is taken from here: Problem 12: Cynical Times. The problem is something like this (but do refer to above link of the source ...

Is there a list somewhere of all the app dev contests and promotions going on?

If not... let's start one here? Please add below! StreetApps Challenge Adobe Open Screen Nokia 1 million API-based contests ConstantContact API Daylife API (Profit Share) And more? ...

Solving jumbled word puzzles with python?

I have an interesting programming puzzle for you: You will be given 2 things: 1. A word containing a list of english words put together : word = "iamtiredareyou" 2. Possible subsets: subsets = ['i', 'a', 'am', 'amt', 'm', 't', 'ti', 'tire', 'tired', 'i', 'ire', 'r', 're', 'red', 'redare', 'e', 'd', 'da', 'dar', 'dare', 'a',...

How can I improve this algorithm for solving a modified Postage Stamp problem?

Son of Darts Problem was a contest on Al Zimmermann's Programming Contests that ended on 20 Jun 2010 : Suppose that you have a dartboard that is divided into R regions. Each dartboard region has a positive integer value associated with it. Further suppose that you have D darts and that you throw each of them at the dartboard. Each...

Which language is better suited for a programming competition: Java or C++?

Hi! I'd like to know which one is more suitable for programming contests, online judges. I don't want answers like "go with java" or "c++ is the fastest". I'd like to know that in more details, lets say like "95% of the time you wont need to write in c++, java solution will get accepted too" or "java has BigInteger object and c++ doesn...