
proportions of a perspective-deformed rectangle

Given a 2d picture of a rectangle distorted by perspective: I know that the shape was originally a rectangle, but I do not know its original size. If I know the pixel coordinates of the corners in this picture, how can I calculate the original proportions, i.e. the quotient ( width / height ) of the rectangle? (background: the goal ...

What is projective geometry and cross ratio in computer vision?

Please explain a layman's way. I was reading this tutorial but i am not able to understand. ...

Normal Vector of Three Points

Hey math geeks, I've got a problem that's been stumping me for a while now. It's for a personal project. I've got three dots: red, green, and blue. They're positioned on a cardboard slip such that the red dot is in the lower left (0,0), the blue dot is in the lower right (1,0), and the green dot is in the upper left. Imagine stepping ba...

Howto project a planar polygon on a plane in 3d-space

I want to project my Polygon along a vector to a plane in 3d Space. I would preferably use a single transformation matrix to do this, but I don't know how to build a matrix of this kind. Given the plane's parameters (ax+by+cz+d), the world coordinates of my Polygon. As stated in the the headline, all vertices of my polygon lie in an...

Projection matrix + world plane ~> Homography from image plane to world plane

I think I have my wires crossed on this, it should be quite easy. I have a projection matrix from world coordinates to image coordinates (4D homogeneous to 3D homgeneous), and therefore I also have the inverse projection matrix from image coordinates to world "rays". I want to project points of the image back onto a plane within the wo...

How can perform 2D homogaphy between two images?

I pick up 4 correspondence point in 2 image: im1 and im2. I calculated the Homogeneous matrix H. In this case, I used normalized DLT algorithm to get H. Here: im2=H*im1 Then I follow that command as above to display the im2' from im1 by multiply with H. I just want to compare im2' and im2. But it does not work at all, As soon as I get th...

Is there an algorithm for solving such projection reconstruction geometric problem?

We have a grid with red squares on it. Meaning we have an array of 3 squares (with angles == 90 deg) which as we know have same size, lying on the same plane and with same rotation relative to the plane they are lying on, and are not situated on same line on plane. We have a projection of the space which contains the plane with squares...

How to get rotation angles of Image Plane relative to the World Plane?

So we have such situation: In this illustration, the first quadrilateral is shown on the Image Plane and the second quadrilateral is shown on the World Plane. [1] In my particular case the Image Plane has 3 quadrilaterals - projections of real world squares, which, as we know, have same size, lying on the same plane, with same rotat...

How to get homography matrix in such case? (from one still image)

In my case as input I have such data structures: original image (RGB pixels), objects (squares) with lines crossing points in pixels (x,y) on Image Plane. I have image like this In my particular case the Image Plane has 3 quadrilaterals - projections of real world squares, which, as we know, have same size, lying on the same plane, w...

Rectify perspective image of planar structure given the normal vector of the plane and viewing direction of the camera

Hi, I have taken images of the facade of a building under multiple view points. Then I use bundler to reconstruct the 3D point cloud of the building. Then I use a RANSAC method to find the plane of the facade in the point cloud. This gives me the parameters for the plane and its surface normal. From bundler I also get the camera rot...