
Does System.ServiceModel.ProtocolException always have html code in its message?

Thats my question, I'm catching a few WCF exceptions on my client and the ProtocolException always has html code in its message. Could I assume that will happen every time? For what I see the real good message comes in the inner exception, could I just discard the ProtocolException message and show the user the message from the inner exc...

Dealing with WCF service restart on client-side

I've got a GUI client which is running against a WCF services hosted as a Windows service on a server box. The WCF service is running in PerCall InstanceContextMode, and the client has a singleton instance of the service client and I want to avoid reinstantiating the singleton on every call as it makes life difficult for the many asynchr...

Getting error detail from WCF REST

I have a REST service consumed by a .Net WCF client. When an error is encountered the REST service returns an HTTP 400 Bad Request with the response body containing JSON serialised details. If I execute the request using Fiddler, Javascript or directly from C# I can easily access the response body when an error occurs. However, I'm us...