
optimize dom-heavy JS sorting

Hi guys, So I've built this mail-program-like HTML viewer (no real emails, just some messages from user to user). It basically behaves just like windows explorer, where you have the labels at the top and the files you can sort by date or alphabetically. Each message looks like this: <div class="mail_msg" d_id="363"> <div class="don...

need to access header attribute on html5 video source url

Hello guys, this is my problem. I have a video tag, whose src is an url. Like this: var video = $('video'); ///using prototype js framework video.setAttribute('src', 'aNiceUrl'); The problem is that i need to get some data from the video HTML header, but i dont know how to get it. I need to get the data in the same moment i ge...

Why does this Prototype Code in Magento crash?

For the last hour and a half I've trace Javascript calls in a Magento shop I'm building, because I have the strange effect that, when checking out, I can not leave page 2 (shipping address) of the onepage checkout, unless I switch from "send to this address" to "send to another address". I've traced it down to this piece of javascript...

Using prototype/lowpro to reorder items on screen. JS not working.

Have the following JS included in my HTML: document.observe('dom:loaded', function() { Event.addBehavior( { 'a.move-up:click': function(event) { moveUp(this); event.stop(); }, 'a.move-down:click': function(event) { moveDown(this); event.stop(); } }); }); function moveUp(element) { ...

Click event not processed when using prototype (with lowpro)

I have JS code that uses lowpro (prototype extension) to reorder a set of dynamically generated questions. So when I click a.move-up I want to move that element's parent up. And a.move-down suppose to move it down. I'm using lowpro since the elements are generated after dom:loaded.

Prototype for python?

I just learned Prototype for Javascript, it's super convenient, use the $ expanding, access the xml elements is not painful any more! Just wondering if there is any extension like Prototype existed in Python space? ...

Javascript performance with creating large tables.

I have a database table. I want the user to be able to modify the values in that table, through a web UI. As such, I have my back-end retrieve the table's values, pass them to my Javascript through JSON. My Javascript builds objects representing table rows, and then uses prototype templates to generate HTML table rows, from the data. t...

PrototypeJS causes jQuery ui's slider widget to fail in IE8. Is there a workaround?

I am using jQuery UI's slider widget, and if the prototype js library is also included on the page, I find the following incorrect behavior in IE8 (other browsers are fine): While hovering over the handle, pressing and holding the mouse button causes the handle to immediately jump to the bottom of the slider. Attempting to drag does n...

Floating Menu in PrototypeJS

Hi, can someone please help me make a floating menu in prototypeJS? I found documentation to do it in jQuery, like here: and here:, but can't figure out where to start for prototypeJS. So I got it work...

Rails AJAX Image Swap

I'm trying to make an AJAX call in Rails to swap images on a page. The page has a big div that is initially blank, along with a table with several entries. One of the columns in this table contains the path for an image, and what I am trying to do is on user click, swap this image into the div. I was hoping to have a controller variab...

Prototype JS, help detecting form elementm change

Hi, I am not family familiar with prototype but have been tasked to make some changes to a color picker. I have made the majority of the changes without too much issue. What I need to do though is listen for the forms input. Can anyone advise on how this is done? I found this but I don't understand how to implement it:

IE7 Selectbox options disable

I have an avaliable list of selectbox and I can't change the options. In Selectbox there are some disabled options but IE7 does not pay attention to the disabled property ;) Which will be the best way to controll disabled options? Thanks ...

How to set object property in prototype function (scope problem)?

This is something trivial, which I've forgotten. There are possibly duplicates - I searched a little, found similar, but couldn't find as concise. String.prototype.test = function(){ = this.length + 2;} var str = "foo"; str.test(); console.log(str); // foo console.log(; ...

How to use multiple jQuery Plugins in one File

I have to use jcarasoul and Lightbox plugin both together in a file of php. the Jcarasoul is working fine for the light box all paths are correct but it always says that $("#gallery a").lightbox is not a funtion. Same as for fancy box or how do I can use Lightbox2 of prototype with jQuery. I used the below for no confliction var $...

prototypejs : holding functionality till ajax request result come.

i am using new to prototype and using its ajax functionality but not able to set the values to return type my code is var captchaRequest = new Ajax.Request('', { parameters: "captcha_code="+captcha_code, onSuccess: function(result) { if(result.responseText == 'true') { retur...

help conversion code in prototype to jquery

Good day, I'm done with the following code into prototype var DataAjax = new Ajax.Updater('Data','/inc/infoPanel.asp', {method:'get', parameters:'Name='+appIdOrName}); DataAjax.onComplete = function(){ if ($('Data').innerHTML.indexOf('status=ok')>-1){ loadBlogsphere(IdOrName); } I wonder how would t...

Prototype $$ returns array, should return one element like $

When using the dollar-dollar-function in prototype I alway get an array of elements back, instead of just one element with the dollar-function. How can I combine the power of CSS-selectors of $$ but still get only one element back? Changing the structure of the source is not possible, so I can't just select it with the id. It needs to g...

migrate to jQuery

Let me make this same command in jQuery $('aplicacao').filterByTagName(searchValue); currently is in prototype would like to see more on jQuery Thank you very much ...

JavaScript Inheritance

If I have an object that I want to "inherit" methods from a "super object" to ensure consitency. They will be intermingling variables. REVISED ParentObj = function() { var self = this; this.interval = null = ""; this.timeout = 1000; this.stop = function() { clearInterval(self.interval); }; ...

Event lost in ajax callback

I'm have a Rails 3 app that uses Prototype. I create a form with: =form_for :appt, :url => { :controller => "appts", :action => 'create' }, :html => { :id => "apptform" }, :remote => true do |f| That controller returns some json: render :json => @appt Some javascript waits til the dom is loaded, then sets some observers: document...