
How can i get IE credentials to use in my code?

I'm currently developing an IE plugin using SpicIE. This plugin does some web scraping similar to the example posted on MSDN: WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create (""); request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse (); S...

Access to Parallels Business Automation - Control Panel (Plesk?) wants port 8843 - Firefox okay, IE6/IE7 results 502 Proxy Error

Background info: We are a small company with a Microsoft server ISA 2000 configured by an external technician for our company network. Though computer professionals, web hosting and networking is NOT our strength! Our ISP uses Parallels Business Automation - Control Panel (Plesk?) to allow us to administer our websites. We are given a UR...