
Porting shell scripts to ruby erb templates, suggestions and advice ?

I am using Puppet for automating configuration management across hosts. It can use erb templates to set up configuration files of various services like apache, postfix etc. across different hosts Till now we were using shell scripts full of sed, awk, grep filters and such, and now I need to port that code to ruby erb templates. Let's...

undefined method get_uptime for Facter::Util::Uptime:Module (NoMethodError)

I'm trying to setup a puppet node, but rubygems doesn't seem to behave. If I run facter on the cli via it's own binary (/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/facter-1.5.8/bin/facter), it works fine, but if I run it through the binary installed by rubygems (/usr/bin/facter), it throws: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/facter/uptime.rb:11: undefined method `get_...