
Raise and lower QTreeWidgetItem in a QTreeWidget?

Question says it all how do you raise and lower [change the positions of ] QTreeWidgetItems in a QtreeWidget , ...

PyQt + shortcut to trigger a button

How do I configure keyboard shortcuts to click specific buttons in a PyQT app? Eg: Ctrl+1 to click one button while Ctrl+2 to click the other? ...

PyQt & unittest - Testing signal and slots

I have a pyqt application that I'm writing unit tests for, and it relies heavily on signals and slots. To properly test it, I have to check that the correct signals are sent. What is the best way to do this? I see that the Qt library has a QSignalSpy, but I can't find any reference to this in PyQt. The only option I can think of is to m...

PyQt4 signals and slots

Hello, I am writing my first Python app with PyQt4. I have a MainWindow and a Dialog class, which is a part of MainWindow class: self.loginDialog = LoginDialog(); I use slots and signals. Here's a connection made in MainWindow: QtCore.QObject.connect(self.loginDialog, QtCore.SIGNAL("aa(str)"), self.login) And I try to emit signal ...

Hide the border of the selected cell in qtablewidget in pyqt???

Hello all, Is there a way i can hide the border of the selected cell(or make the border color as white)in a qtablewidget.. By default a border with dotted line is shown.. Can u help me... ...

PyQt vs PySide comparison

I currently develop many applications in a Qt heavy C++/Python environment on Linux, porting to PC/Mac as needed. I use Python embedded in C++ as well as in a stand alone GUI. Qt is used fro xml parsing/event handling/GUI/threading and much more. Right now all my Python work is in PyQt and I wanted to see how everyone views PySide. I'm i...

How to intercept ALL signals emitted by a given event in QT?

I can imagine that there might be quite a few of them depending on the event, but at the same time, I guess this can be a best way to debug, and an interesting lesson. Why would I need it? I'm using some custom class based on the QWidget, which does not expand when I de-attach a QDockWidget based in the same window. Knowing what signals...

Connect exclusive checkboxes with line edit?

I want that, when I choose a checkbox the lineedit change the text, a different text per checkbox I have something like that: self.connect(self.form.cb_banda, QtCore.SIGNAL('stateChange(int)'), self.type) self.connect(self.form.cb_tira, QtCore.SIGNAL('stateChange(int)'), self.type) def type(self): if self.form.cb...

multiprocessing problem [pyqt, py2exe]

I am writing a GUI program using PyQt4. There is a button in my main window and by clicking this button. I hope to launch a background process which is an instance of a class derived from processing.Process. class BackgroundTask(processing.Process): def __init__(self, input): processing.Process.__init__(self) ... ...

how pyqt implement signal and slot in qt?

pyqt is created by SIP, and SIP support signal and slot. qt use moc to create a moc data about the signal and slot functions. and qt search slot by index the function name. and I want to know how pyqt archive this? this is a critical question for better understanding pyqt... ...

qfiledialog - Filtering Folders???

Hi all, 1)I want to get the name of the folder for a folder monitoring Application.. Is there a way that i can filter out specific folders from being displayed using QFileDialog (For example i don't want the my documents to be displayed in the file dialog).. 2)I don't want the user to select a drive. By default in this code drives can...

PyQt4,How to add a batch of widget (QPushButton) at one time and lets them to execute on SLOT

if i want to add 10 QPushButton at one time: NumCount=20 for i in range(NumCount): btn=QPushButton("%s %s" %("Button" i+1),self) btn.clicked.connect(self.btnclick) def btnclick(self): # here is my question # how to define which button clicked? # how to print btn.text? as stated in the def(btnclick). ...

How to make pyuic4 automatically set tabs to "MainWindow"?

After adding a new label and textEdit to a grid right above these tabs, When I generate the file with pyuic4, It generates the the following lines for many different tabs which gives errors about not having enough arguments. self.tcTab.setTabText(self.tcTab.indexOf(self.tab_6),) However the .ui would generate this fine before I...

PyQt 4.7 - ImportError after installing on Windows.

I've been trying to install PyQt 4.7 on Vista, but I am getting an ImportError when I try to do: from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui. ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found. I've checked my System Path, and C:\Python31\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\bin is on there. I can't run any of the examples, but the Des...

Are there any PyQt sqlite browser/manager?

I'm developing a program using PyQt4 and sqlite, I want to include a small sqlite browser/editor/manager, just like sqliteman or sqlitebrowser, are there any one written by pyqt? ...

Python: Embed Chaco in PyQt4 Mystery

How do i go about adding Chaco to an existing PyQt4 application? Hours of searches yielded little (search for yourself). So far i've figured i need the following lines: import os os.environ['ETS_TOOLKIT']='qt4' i could not find PyQt4-Chaco code anywhere on the internets i would be very grateful to anyone filling in the blanks to sho...

How can I draw nodes and edges in PyQT?

In PyQT, how can I plot small "Nodes" at given points and connect them with edges? All of the PyQT tutorials I find are "plot a button! plot a checkbox!" Huge thanks in advance ...

In PyQt, how can signals and slots be used to connect a dropdownlist to a function?

In PyQt, there's a concept of signals and slots to connect objects to one another's functions, but I can't seem to find them referenced to functions not associated with other objects. For example, I want a dropdown list to have algorithm A or algorithm B run. How does PyQt accomplish this functionality? ...

Qt plotting application.

Hi All, Currently I'm trying to develop some simple plot prototype and I'm struggling with some kind of white/empty sheet syndrome. I'm back to Qt after 2 years, so I feel quite retarded. My application should: plot and manage custom layers of data plot on custom canvas background manage markers on plot My plan is to use following...

How do you get a responsive GUI if your codebehind is running an infinte loop? PyQT

If you have a function consistently running an infinite loop in the background, how will your GUI ever be responsive? It is waiting for the loop to finish and this renders the interface useless. How is this solved in PyQT? ...