
jQuery qTip callback not working

I'm using a jQuery plugin called qTip (http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip/docs/api/#callbacks) and trying to implement a callback function for dynamically loaded data. Here's what I have: $('#orders_table a').qtip('api').onRender(function(){ alert('test'); }) The qTip is being initialized for all of the links within the #o...

Why doesn't extjs qtip on combobox show up in internet explorer ?

hi all, I've added an extJS quicktip (qtip) to an extJS combobox and it works well in FF, Chrome, Safari but not in IE7 and IE8. Here is a code snippet: var searchConfig = { store: store, tpl: tpl, hideTrigger: false, minChars: 1, queryDelay: 50, emptyText: OpenLayers.i18n('Geo search.....

jQuery qTip callback not working

I have qTip being called on items within a table.. $('#orders_table a[rel]').each(function (){ $(this).click(function(){ return false; }); $(this).qtip({ content: { // Set the text to an image HTML string with the correct src URL to the loading imag...

qTip jQuery version conflicts

Is it standard practice to hold an entire project at a certain release of jQuery until I can fix one measly bug? details: I'm using an older version of qTip because that is what works with jQuery 1.4.2 (the current release when I started the project). It's important to note that the release candidate of qTip does not work with the curr...

jQuery qtip doesn't draw little arrow tip in IE8 (or IE7)

I'm using jquery's qtip plugin to draw a tooltip, and it works fine on FF but not on my versions of IE. It looks like for IE, the plugin uses vml tags instead of canvas tags. Is there something extra I need to include in my page to get the little arrow tip to show? Here's my simple html page; note that when you mouse over "tooltip tar...

Multiple instances of the same option?

I'm passing options to the qTip plugin like so: hide: { when: { event: 'unfocus', event: 'inactive', event: 'click' }, }, It appears to be working but should I bundle those 'events' somehow? ...