
sql server procedure optimization

SQl Server 2005: Option: 1 CREATE TABLE #test (customerid, orderdate, field1 INT, field2 INT, field3 INT) CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX Idx1 ON #test(customerid) CREATE INDEX Idx2 ON #test(field1 DESC) CREATE INDEX Idx3 ON #test(field2 DESC) CREATE INDEX Idx4 ON #test(field3 DESC) INSERT INTO #test ...

How can I track the last location of a shipment effeciently using latest date of reporting?

I need to find the latest location of each cargo item in a consignment. We mostly do this by looking at the route selected for a consignment and then finding the latest (max) time entered against nodes of this route. For example if a route has 5 nodes and we have entered timings against first 3 nodes, then the latest timing (max time) wi...

Need a rough estimate on how long LEFT JOIN on two 6 million row tables would take.

Hello, well the title says it all. Does anyone have an idea? Would need to lock the table for that long on production site, so it is kinda important. Also, do you have any suggestion how such query could be optimized? Thanks! ...

How can I Query only __key__ on a Google Appengine PolyModel child?

So the situation is: I want to optimize my code some for doing counting of records. So I have a parent Model class Base, a PolyModel class Entry, and a child class of Entry Article: How would I query Article.key so I can reduce the query load but only get the Article count. My first thought was to use: q = db.GqlQuery("SELECT __key__ f...

How to log slow queries in shared hosting MySQL?

I have a shared hosting where I have my website and MySQL database. I've installed a open source script for statistics (phpMyVisites) and it started to work very slow lately. It's written using some kind of framework and has many PHP files. I know that to find slow queries I can use slow query log functionality in MySQL. But on this shar...

Should I use integer primary IDs?

For example, I always generate an auto-increment field for the users table, but I also specify a UNIQUE index on their usernames. There are situations that I first need to get the userId for a given username and then execute the desired query, or use a JOIN in the desired query. It's 2 trips to the database or a JOIN vs. a varchar inde...

Is possible to reuse subqueries?

Hello, I'm having some problems trying to perform a query. I have two tables, one with elements information, and another one with records related with the elements of the first table. The idea is to get in the same row the element information plus several records information. Structure could be explain like this: table [ id, name ] [...

do's and don'ts for writing mysql queries

One thing I always wonder while writing query is that am I writing most optimized query or not? I know certain things like: 1) using SELECT field1, filed2 instead of SELECT * 2) Giving proper indexes to the tables but I am sure there are more things that should be kept in mind for writing queries, since most of the database can only ...

SQL: Optimize insensive SELECTs on DateTime fields

I have an application for scheduling certain events. And all these events must be reviewed after each scheduled time. So basically we have 3 tables: items(id, name) scheduled_items(id, item_id, execute_at - datetime) - item_id column has an index option. reviewed_items(id, item_id, created_at - datetime) - item_id column has an index ...

Is there anything else I can do to optimize this MySQL query?

I have two tables, Table A with 700,000 entries and Table B with 600,000 entries. The structure is as follows: Table A: +-----------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-----------+---------------------+------+-----+---------+-------...

Postgres query optmization

Hey guys, trying to optimize this query to solve a duplicate user issue: SELECT userid, 'ismaster' AS name, 'false' AS propvalue FROM user WHERE userid NOT IN (SELECT userid FROM userprop WHERE name = 'ismaster'); The problem is that the select after the NOT IN is 120.000 records and it's taking forever. Using the explain prefix as ...

How can I get a COUNT(col) ... GROUP BY to use an index?

I've got a table (col1, col2, ...) with an index on (col1, col2, ...). The table has got millions of rows in it, and I want to run a query: SELECT col1, COUNT(col2) WHERE col1 NOT IN (<couple of exclusions>) GROUP BY col1 Unfortunately, this is resulting in a full table scan of the table, which takes upwards of a minute. Is there any...

Creating an index on a view with OpenQuery

SQL Server doesn't allow creating an view with schema binding where the view query uses OpenQuery as shown below. Is there a way or a work-around to create an index on such a view? ...

HUGE query execution time difference between oracle 10g and 9i

I'm running the following query: SELECT * FROM all_tab_cols c LEFT JOIN all_varrays v ON c.owner = v.owner AND c.table_name = v.parent_table_name AND c.column_name = v.parent_table_column On a 10g server this takes ~2s, on 9i this takes 819s (13 mins)! What on earth is causing this huge performance difference, and how can I fi...

Best way to update/insert into a table based on a remote table.

I have two very large enterprise tables in an Oracle 10g database. One table keeps the historical information of the other table. The problem is, I'm getting to the point where the records are just too many that my insert update is taking too long and my session is getting killed by the governor. Here's a pseudocode of my update process...

Optimize master-detail insert statements

Quest After a day of running (against nearly 1 GB of data), a set of statements are tumbling down to 40 inserts per second. I am looking to increase that by an order of magnitude or two. SQL Code The code to insert the information comes in two parts: a master record and detail records. The master record: INSERT INTO MONTH_REF (DISTRI...

Drawbacks of Dynamic Query in Sqlserver 2005 ?

I have using the many dynamic Query in my database for the procedures because my filter is not fix so i have taken @filter as parameter and pass in the procedure. Declare @query as varchar(8000) Declare @Filter as varchar(1000) set @query = 'Select * from Person.Address where 1=1 and ' + @Filter exec(@query) Like that my filter cont...

Eliminate full table scan due to BETWEEN (and GROUP BY)

Description According to the explain command, there is a range that is causing a query to perform a full table scan (160k rows). How do I keep the range condition and reduce the scanning? I expect the culprit to be: Y.YEAR BETWEEN 1900 AND 2009 AND Code Here is the code that has the range condition (the STATION_DISTRICT is likely su...

MYSQL and the LIMIT clause

I was wondering if adding a LIMIT 1 to a query would speed up the processing? For example... I have a query that will most of the time return 1 result, but will occasionaly return 10's, 100's or even 1000's of records. But I will only ever want the first record. Would the limit 1 speed things up or make no difference? I know I could ...

Why would using a Temp table be faster than a nested query?

We are trying to optimise some of our queries. One query is doing the following: SELECT t.TaskID, t.Name as Task, '' as Tracker, t.ClientID, (<complex subquery>) Date, INTO [#Gadget] FROM task t SELECT TOP 500 TaskID, Task, Tracker, ClientID, dbo.GetClientDisplayName(ClientID) as Client FROM [#Gadget] order by CASE WHEN Date IS NULL...