
Javascript appendChild name property

So I'm trying to add attributes to a radio button input, specifically the name attribute in Javascript. I'm appending children to a main object and when I use Object.setAttribute("name", value); and subsequently check the innerHTML of the appended input, it does not even contain a name property at all! I'm guessing I'm missing something...

Eval ID on radiobutton in Datalist

my code gota datalist with radio button and iv made it single selectable im trying to evaluate a hiddenfield on basis of selected radio button my code goes like this aspx code <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns = "4" CssClass="datalist1" RepeatLayout = "Table" OnItemData...

eval id via radiobutton inside datalist using javascript

i gt a radio button inside my datalist through which i am evaluating id in hiddenfield like this <ItemTemplate> <table cellpadding = "1px" cellspacing = "0" class="dlTable"> <tr> <td align="center" style="padding:15px"> <a href="<%#Eval("FilePath")%>" target="_blank"><asp...

how to make radio button work without postback

my Div2 contains a datalist with a radio button,,when i click on radio button it gets the filename of the corresponding image with it,,currently this is happening with postback,,i want to select the options without postback... protected void rdb4_click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string value = ""; for (int i =...

Validate radio input form with unknown set of radios

HI, I am trying to validate a radio button form that has an unknown amount of radio groups. So far I have this: var object = $(".radio:checked"); var length = $('#numq').val(); if(object.length==length) { return true; } else { var unchecked = $(".radio:not(:checked)").empty(); var q = ""; unchecked.each(function(){ ...

HTML Radio button not showing up in $_POST

Hi, I have a forum the user fills out with 2 separate radio button categories they can fill out. Permissions: private <input type="radio" name="permissions" value="private" /> public <input type="radio" name="permissions" value="public"/><br /> Category: default <input type="radio" name="cat" value"default" /> sport <input type="radio...

How can I get value from radio-button inserted into innerHtml

I have sort of a table with a radio-button column. I managed to make radio-button column work dynamically inserting into a cell (div if matter). But, on postback innerHtml hasn't been updated with "checked" attribute. Could you give me an idea how can I find out (on the server) if radio-button has been checked? More info: This is on...

Which Radio button in the group is checked?

Using WinForms; Is there a better way to find the checked RadioButton for a group? It seems to me that the code below should not be necessary. When you check a different RadioButton then it knows which one to uncheck… so it should know which is checked. How do I pull that information without doing a lot of if statements (or a switch). ...

HTML: Radio buttons connected to select lists

Excuse my lack of html knowledge, but is it possible to set up a set of say 3 radio buttons so that each one links to a different select list of items? What I'm trying to do is let the user select either: Projects select list of all the projects, Tasks select list of all the tasks, Users select list of all the users As far as I have b...

How to middle vertical align a radio button against an image in html?

I have multiple image of 100x100. I ask the user to choose one of them by putting an radio button before each of them. This is the code : <div> <input type="radio" name="pic" value="1"/><img src="pic01.jpg"/><br/> <input type="radio" name="pic" value="2"/><img src="pic02.jpg"/><br/> .... and so on... But the problem is that ...

How to Programmatically change a Tab Control's Index & State (Perhaps using commands?)

Hi, I have a WPF TabControl which contains a number TabItems with child UserControls, like this. XAML <TabControl x:Name="tabsMain" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="3" Background="lightgray"> <TabItem Width="100" Header="Profile" FontSize="16"> ...

jQuery Getting Wrong Value from Checkbox Group?

Given the following code, jQuery seems to only alert "1" as the value even after the user has selected radiobutton 2. What am I missing here? Shouldn't the trailing jQuery alert "2" when the second radiobutton is selected? <p> Coal <input type="radio" name="example" value="1" checked /> Candy <input type="radio" name="example" val...

Is it possible to override radio buttons style with css?

I need to make special radio buttons, is it possible to make my own images to cover default style of radio buttons? If it is not possible what is best way to do this with jQuery or is there good plugin for this? ...

Help please: No BN_CLICKED for custom radio button (MFC, VC++6)

Hi, I have derived a CButton class and created my own radion button control. Its all working nicely with the exception that I can't get the parent dialog to detect when the radio button it clicked. The parent dialog will detect the radio button click if I call CButton::OnLButtonUp() but the problem in doing that is that the framework al...

Selecting radio button option based on keyboard input

I have a page full of radio buttons that I'd like to be able to tab through and then select options based on keyboard input. I'm hoping to get the keyboard input to work on radiobuttons in a similar way to how it works on dropdowns (typing the letter 'G' will automatically select the first option that starts with a 'G') Is there a jque...

android radiobutton

How can I create a radiobutton with the option on the right side of the text. ...

Radiobuttons to display data in MVC app

I'm looking for a better way to use RadioButtons in a form contained inside an MVC view to display data. One example I'm currently working with is displaying the Role in which a MembershipUser belongs. What I'm doing is setting values on string variables to output in my input tags that will set the RadioButton as checked where necessary...

Way to do radio buttons in Qt 4.4.3 menus

On Linux would like to have a set of menu items which are mutually exclusive and have the currently selected one be designated by a radio button instead of a checkbox. Is there a way to do this in Qt v4.4.3 easily? ...

How to use jQuery to show content based on whether radio button is checked.

Hi. I'm stuck on something. I have a form that has fields which only show when a particular radio button is checked. This is easy enough to when someone is filling out the form for the first time using the following code. HTML <fieldset id="question"> <legend>This is my question</legend> <label for="answerYes">Yes</label> <input ...

Why can't radio buttons be "readonly"?

I would like to show a radio button, have its value submitted, but depending on the circumstances, have it not editable. Disabled doesn't work, because it doesn't submit th value (or does it?), and it grays out the radio button. Readonly is really what I'm looking for, but for some mysterious reason it doesn't work. Is there some weird ...