
Automating adding sites to IIS7

I'm building some scripts for automatically setting up a developer's machine so everyone has an identical setup & configuration. One thing in particular I want to automate is the configuration in IIS7. We have a bunch of web apps which need to be hosted locally and would ideally like them all set up automatically. Does anyone know of a...

Rails not picking up model attribute despite column EXISTING in table

== AddIpToTutorials: migrating =============================================== -- add_column(:tutorials, :ip_address, :string) -> 0.0022s == AddIpToTutorials: migrated (0.0022s) ====================================== >> t = Tutorial.new .. >> t.ip_address NoMethodError: undefined method `ip_address' for #<Tutorial:0x2b3b35f5a690> ...

task :something => :environment

Can someone explain me what happens when I add such dependency to my tasks? Which files are loaded etc.? ...

Ruby on Rails: Migrations: how do I merge to tables into a new table?

i have two tables attachments: name, doc_name, doc_type, doc_size, cat and media: name, doc_name, doc_type, doc_size, cat how do I write a migration file such that it takes all the entries from both tables and puts them into a new Files table? ...

Running rake from batch file

When I run rake from within a batch file (.bat) it will exit immediately after the rake script has completed and will not execute any commands after it. e.g. for the following, it will execute rake but not change directories rake cd .. Anyone know how to stop this behaviour? ...

Limit instances of rake task

Is there a way to limit the number of instances of a rake task? I have a rake task for reading emails that runs every 5 mins as a cron job. Sometimes the rake tasks takes more than 5 mins to complete and another rake task is launched before it finishes. There are hacky workarounds to check ps -Af inside the rake file but I am looking...

Help with rake db:create

Im about to turn in to my school library a project which was done on rails.. this project is to be stored in a cd so that the school can have a copy of all my work for future reference if anyone wants to.... I want a simple way for people to install my project.. right now, my app depends on several migrations I made throughout the develo...

'rake:test' with Multiple Database configurations in database.yml

I have a rails project that uses multiple legacy databases. I would like to perform tests that verify that the models are linked together correctly. This is being done so that the team can use TeamCity (by JetBrains) to perform automated testing. database.yaml: test: ... database: application_test ... admin: ... <% if RAILS_E...

How to write Rake task to import data to Rails app?

Goal: Using a CRON task (or other schedule event) update rails database with nightly export of data from an existing system. All data is created/updated/deleted in an existing system. The website does no directly integrate with this system, so the rails app simply needs to reflect the updates that appear in the data export. I have a .t...

Which non-ruby projects use Rake?

I have recently started using Rake for my personal projects, mainly because I am not into make anymore and prefer to avoid learning a custom language just for builds. However, based on a quick google, there don't seem to be any many non-ruby projects using rake. And certainly none with any recall value. Am I right? Are there any non...

Rails -- Possible to run migration methods in generic rake task?

I know this is not best practice, and most likely shouldn't even be used, as thats what migrations are used for, but I was wondering if its possible to execute migration specific commands in a regular rake task. Something like: namespace :dummy do task :update => :environment do add_column :users, :deleted, :boolean, { :null =...

RSpec sees xits but no other tests?

So, whenever I run "rake spec" in my application directory, I see this: admin@nurvus:~/workspace/spec $ rake spec (in /Users/admin/workspace/) DEPRECATION WARNING: Rake tasks in vendor/plugins/abingo/tasks, vendor/plugins/delayed_job/tasks, vendor/plugins/funkytown/tasks, vendor/plugins/funkytown/tasks, vendor/plugins/git_helper/tasks, ...

ActiveRecord Migration & Rake tasks not loading models?

I know that you can do something like this to load the rails environment: task :my_task => :environment do MyModel.find(1) end But it seems the code in the models are not executed. I am using acts_as_audited, and there is a nice class function which retrieves all models which are being audited. The call looks something like: ...

Problem with `rake test`… rake reports "Could not find task ./test/whatever-my-first-test-file-is.rb"

I've put this information into a pastie, but repeated it here (pastie link http://pastie.org/private/4vprzwhllqv35egrf8jzwg ) The problem showed up in my own project, but I have no idea what i'm doing wrong: here's the full output: $ rake test (in /Users/me/Projects/version-three) /Users/me/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-rc2/bin/ruby -I"lib:...

rake db:migrate not working for me

I am getting this error rake db:migrate (in /Users/john/Sites/my_app) rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'db:migrate' When I trace the error I get rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'db:migrate' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:1728:in `[]' /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0....

IronRuby Rake and -X:PrivateBinding

I'm trying to setup a Rake script to run all my IronRuby rspec tests. The tests need to have access to internal constructors and methods. IronRuby supports this with the -X:PrivateBinding switch on ir.exe. So, for example, if my test is called some_tests.rb, the following command works: ir -X:PrivateBinding -S spec some_tests.rb Ho...

Run rake tasks in sequence.

I have rake tasks which i want to run in proper sequence. I want to run one rake task which run other rake tasks in proper sequence. How may i do that? ...

Rails rake: test are slow

I've been developing RoR apps for about a month in my Windows Laptop, however everytime that I run the tests it takes forever to finish (10+ minutes). On a MacBook Pro with similar hardware it runs in a fraction of the time (2 minutes). Can you guys give me any tips for speeding the whole thing up? or should I consider switching my RoR ...

Is it possible to get a list of all available rake tasks in a namespace?

Is it possible from within a rake task to get a list of tasks in a namespace? A sort of programatic 'rake -T db' ? ...

RVM, Merb, Rake and RSpec

Hello everyone, I am currently running ruby-1.9.1 installed via RVM. I have been looking at using Merb, but when I try and run it I get this error: sam@shiny-dev:~/Projects/mojo$ rake db:migrate (in /home/sam/Projects/mojo) Merb root at: /home/sam/Projects/mojo /home/sam/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.1-p378@merb/gems/dm-validations-...