I've got a template for a partial that I'd like to use and I'm wondering if it's possible to just render the thing without needing to send a mock request to a controller. I'm never going to need to render this to an AJAX call, so it seems silly to set up a controller and action, not to mention the security issues with making a private pa...
deltrem@deltrem-desktop:~/ramaze web/app/blog$ ruby start.rb
I [2010-06-10 14:53:33 $1886] INFO | : activating sequel
I [2010-06-10 14:53:33 $1886] INFO | : Installing sequel
/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems/remote_fetcher.rb:124:in `initialize': Permission denied - /home/deltrem/.gem/ruby/1.8/cache/sequel-3.9.0.gem (Errno::EACCES...
Part 1:
I have a call to layout(:default){|path,wish| wish !~ /rss|atom|json/} but requests to /foo/bar.json seem to think wish is html and uses the layout anyway. How can I fix this?
Part 2:
I want to route /path/to/file.ext so that it calls the method to on the controller mapped to /path and uses ext when formulating the return. Is ...