
How to get "raw" href contents in JavaScript

I am trying to write a GreaseMonkey script in which I want to find all of the links that are relative links. It seemed to me that the way to do that would be to match the contents of href against /^https?:///. But I find that when I access the anchor's href attribute, it's always normalized or cooked into a form that contains "http". ...

linux raw socket programming question

Hi all, I am trying to create a raw socket which send and receive message with ip/tcp header under linux. I can successfully binds to a port and receive tcp message(ie:syn) However, the message seems to be handled by the os, but not mine. I am just a reader of it(like wireshark). My raw socket binds to port 8888, and then i try to telne...

Loading an raw image to the program and get the RGB value from each pixel in C

Hello, I want to read the RGB values for each pixel from a raw image. Can someone tell me how to achieve this? Thanks for help! the format of my raw image is .CR2 which is taken from camera. ...

Is there a way to get raw http request stream from Java servlet handler?

I am trying to put some logging to capture the raw http request coming to my application. My Java code is inside a SpringMVC controller. I have access to the "HttpServletRequest" object. But I could not find a way to get the raw http request stream out of it. There is a reader but only reads the post content. What I want is the whole she...

Send raw ethernet packet with data field length in type field

I'm trying to send a raw ethernet frame with the length of my data written in the type field. This should be a valid ethernet frame. My code for this looks like this: ethData = "foobar" proto =len(ethData) if proto < 46: proto = 46 soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_PACKET, socket.SOCK_RAW, proto) soc.bind((iface, proto)) For some rea...

Capture Raw NIC IO from .NET Socket as a .NET BitArray

Hi all, I want to master certain raw protocols to learn about TCP Stream resuming. I am versed in .Net sockets, and would like to initiate a TCP stream so: Socket socket = new Socket(Tcp) socket.connect(IPAddress); socket.send(new byte[]{155}); socket.close(); Then be able to read the raw IO network card data sent/recieved and save ...

MSVC9: How do I view a location in memory?

I'm pretty sure I'm overlooking something totally obvious, but I want to view the raw contents of a point in memory under MSVC9, but I can't find a location in the UI where I can punch in a memory address. How can this be done? ...

Storing short strings and numeric values in resources in Android

I want to have some static numeric and text values as an application resource. For example my data is like this: Levels 5 First_Level 500 60 1 Second_Level 500 80 1 Third_Level 200 60 1 Fourth_Level 130 30 2 Final_Level 100 30 3 ... and another 300 lines... The format and order of the data is predefined and guaranteed to be valid. I ...

Stupid php Question. What is wrong in this code?

Sorry I'm a newbie, I think that there's something wrong in this code, or something that can be improved. This code was designed to upload files from a flash javascript uploader plugin. It doesn't give me an error but sometimes it does not insert the mysql query. P.s: every posted variable is cleaned up via javascript (just alphanumeric ...

How to access specific raw data on disk from java

I'm trying to use the following code to access one byte with offset of 50 bytes in a raw disk. randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile("C:", "r"); randomAccessFile.seek(50); byte[] buffer = new byte[1]; randomAccessFile.read(buffer); But all what I get is the following error: java.io.FileNotFoundException: C: (Acceso denegado) at jav...

Qt Phonon open raw audio data file

Hi guys, I have already asked a similar question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/956720/python-open-raw-audio-data-file Now I want to open, and play, raw audio files with QtPhonon. The main goal is to open the file and play a certain location in the file, for example from the 10th second to the 20th second. Is it possible usin...

Creating raw ISO image

How can I create raw ISO Image ? I mean I am programming simple system in assembler and I want to create an ISO which could put binary file (whole system is in one file) in BootSector. Could you help ? ...

Implementing a generic interface with a raw type

I have a generic tree, the generic parameter is the data type stored by the nodes: class TreeNode<D>{ public D data; ..... } Then a visitor interface to use along with a tree transversal: interface Visitor<D> { void visit(TreeNode<D> node); } Some visitors can take advantage of generics: class DataListCreator<D>...

Raw javascript instead of jquery (example follows)

Hello, this is my first question here. I have the following jquery code: $(document).ready(function(){ $("a").click(function(){ $(this).parent("li").css({textDecoration: "line-through"}); return false; }); }); that works just fine. It strikes through the parent li of any clicked anchor (there are many anchor...

Raw Socket Programming

Hi, I want to implement a simple firewall using raw sockets. I found some sniffer samples but I want to know if it is possible to drop unwanted packets using raw sockets. It is very important for me. Please let me know how can I do that? ...

How does one do Raw IO on Mac OS X? (ie. equivalent to Linux's O_DIRECT flag)

Hi, I having been googling for a way to do raw (sometimes called direct) i/o under mac os. Raw i/o turns of the operating system page cache to give the application more direct access to the disk. This is useful because some of the filestructure I am using are not efficient using LRU page replacement. It is fairly straight forward to imp...

Java - changing the value of a raw type variable. Possible?

I'll start by saying I am a Java (/programming) newbie and this is my first question on the website. Just learnt how to make an ordered list in Java using recursive nodes. Everything was easy until I ran into this exercise asking me to write a method that would double whatever value is contained in each node. Here is the code I tried to...

More data in packet payload

I have the following code int ParseData(unsigned char *packet, int len) { struct ethhdr *ethernet_header; struct iphdr *ip_header; struct tcphdr *tcp_header; unsigned char *data; int data_len; /* Check if any data is there */ if(len > (sizeof(struct ethhdr) + sizeof(struct iphdr) + sizeo...

Raw Data Reverse Engineer

Hi all. Basically, i have two files. The first file is an image: http://www.mediafire.com/file/yzvngmuixum/panzerghost.jpg ![Image][1] If you download the full sized image, you can see it clearer. The second file is a .bin of raw data http://www.mediafire.com/file/dfnumz2dwuf/panzerghost.bin Now the image is of a Motorstorm level. It...

How can I read a UDP segment in Kernel Space?

Hello everyone. I create a module in kernel space that send a UPD segment using socket RAW, but my problem is read the UDP segment from kernel space. I can read the UDP segment from user space, but when I prove to use "sock_recvmsg" from kernel space, I obtain as result -512 Please, help me! ...