
Using contexts in rdflib

I am having trouble finding a clear, sensible example of usage of context with rdflib. ConjunctiveGraph does not accept contexts, and Graph is deprecated. How am I supposed to create and operate on different contexts within the same global ConjunctiveGraph ? ...

rdflib graph not updated. Why?

I am trying to understand this behavior. It's definitely not what I expect. I have two programs, one reader, and one writer. The reader opens a RDFlib graph store, then performs a query every 2 seconds import rdflib import random from rdflib import store import time default_graph_uri = "urn:uuid:a19f9b78-cc43-4866-b9a1-4b009fe91f52" s...

Trouble with rdfstore with mysql - how to debug?

I have a mysql server running and can connect to it from my Django ORM. Can't connect using the rdflib functionality. How can I debug this problem? Thanks. rdflib 2.4.2, python 2.6, MySQL Community 5.1.42 Trace: configString = "host=localhost,user=root,password=...,db=..." print configString host=localhost,user=root,password=.....

Can't get RDFlib to work on windows

I have installed RDFlib 3.0 and everything that is needed, but when I run the following code I get an error. The code below is from: http://code.google.com/p/rdflib/wiki/IntroSparql. I have tried for hours to fix this but with no success. Can please someone help? import rdflib rdflib.plugin.register('sparql', rdflib.query.Processor, ...