
Why WCF class Binding doesn't have member ReaderQuotas?

I'm wondering why the class Binding in WCF doesn't have a property ReaderQuotas, while its subclasses BasicHttpBinding and WSHttpBinding does. This fact makes coding a little hard. For me, I use below code to extract binding information from MEX endpoint URI. However, it just got Binding. If I want to change ReaderQuotas of the binding,...

Modify endpoint ReaderQuotas programatically

Hi, I have a dynamic client to a service. How can i change the ReaderQuotas property of it's endpoint binding? I tried like this but it doesn't work .... DynamicProxyFactory factory = new DynamicProxyFactory(m_serviceWsdlUri); foreach (ServiceEndpoint endpoint in factory.Endpoints) { Binding binding = ...

WCF ReaderQuotas

I'm implementing a nettcp streaming channel in order to pull down large files from my server to a WPF client app. I made a change to the client config reader quotas in order to facilitate the size of the files but am experiencing an issue when changing the MaxBytesPerRead setting on the client. From what I understand this controls the am...

WCF - Increase ReaderQuoatas on REST service

I have a WCF REST Service which accepts a JSON string One of the parameters is a large string of numbers This causes the following error - which is visible by tracing and using SVC Trace Viewer There was an error deserializing the object of type CarConfiguration. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while r...

WCF service The maximum array length quota (16384) has been exceeded

I have a wsf service and a client application. While trying to communicate the client and the service I've gotten the following message: "The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter The InnerException message was 'There was ...

How do I increase the reader quota on WCF service?

I don't expect anyone to be able to help out with this but let's give it a go. I have a WinForms app that uses a WCF service to pull down a rather large JSON document serialised into a string. I have changed the client's Reader Quota on strings to 8192000 (arbitrary but suitable for most cases) and put the service onto a custom binding ...