
$(document).ready() timeout for images

When using jQuery you wait for the DOM to be ready before you start doing stuff. My problem is with images. Sometimes images take ages to load, and quite frequently not at all. So I want ready() to basically have a timeout. It will wait something like 5 seconds and if these selected images haven't loaded it will run the function. Is th...

MooTools: domready vs load

With which will function(){} fire first? A) window.addEvent('domready', function(){}); B) window.addEvent('load', function(){}); ...

ready event on a posted form

I have a form in an iframe, when this form is posted a file is returned to the user (based on the form information). This file is returned using content-disposition:attachment so that only a file save dialog shows up. I want to do something in javascript once the file has been returned to the user. I tried attaching a $(iframe).ready(); ...

jQuery difference between live() and ready()?

What is the exact difference between live() and ready()? Edit: found that die() is the opposite of live() ...

javascript Document ready firefox (jQuery)

In FireFox I have this jQuery at the end of the body: $(document).ready(function() { $.getScript('LiveMapsJavascriptProvider.aspx?type=reference&value=6', init); }); There are a lot of js files in the head that are needed to be all loaded before this would work. So I put my call in a document.ready event. It doesn't work. IE work...

jQuery ready event not fired on partial page load

Here's the situ: A page which contains html and using the jQuery libray and tabs jQuery UI plugin loads another page when some tab is clicked. The problem is that when the page/html is loaded/rendered (let's simplify this and say it's just doing something like $("#myDiv").load(url);), the ready event is not fired because of course the "...

jquery hiding works in .live and fails in .ready

Both of the below functions (which are identical except for when they should run) are in $(document).ready. The .live version works as expected, hiding 2 divs when the selector is checked and showing them when it is unchecked. The .ready version does nothing but it is supposed to hide the specified divs when the page is loaded. The chec...

Is there a NotReadyFunction in jQuery?

Hi, Is it possible to check if the document is not ready and execute a function periodically in jQuery? Simply I would like to achieve something like : $('document').isNotReady(function(){ $('#divState').text('Still Loading'); }); $('document').Ready(function(){ $('#divState').text('Loaded'); }); Is there a built-in fun...

Where put SWFObject in JQuery

I have 2 javascripts in my head section. Now I want to place the embedSWF function inside the first script. Only I am not sure where.. <!-- JQUERY Functions --> <script type="text/javascript"> jQuery.noConflict(); jQuery(document).ready(function() { // alert('DOM ready'); }); wind...

Doing a .post on multiple objects in Jquery on ready

Right now, what i'm trying to do is display some lists on a page and pull out that information from the server using Jquery. The code looks like: <div class="list" name="category1" /> <div class="list" name="category2" /> <div class="list" name="category3" /> .... $(".list").ready(function(){ $.post("/getData", "{name=category#}" ...

How to only fade content once it is ready in Jquery?

Hello, I've seen examples for load() and ready(), but they always seem to apply to the window or document body, or a div or img or something like that. I have a hover() function, and when you hover over it, it uses fadeIn() to reveal it. Problem is, the images inside the div aren't loaded yet, so it ends up just appearing anyway. I nee...

What is wrong with these jquery statements?

I cant able to get this jquery statement to work on page load but it works once when i refresh F5 the page..... <div id="ResultsDiv"> </div> <div id="pager" class="pager"> </div> <input id="HfId" type="hidden" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var itemsPerPage = 5; $(document).ready(function() { ...

URL Rewriting under IIS at readyhosting

Hello all, I have a website designed in ASP.2.0 (classical Asp) i wanted re-write my all urls using Microsoft url rewriting tool. my web website is hosted on shared server with ready hosting company. Now the Readyhosting people said that they are not giving any support to these modules. Can any please help me in this. Thanks, Rau ...

jquery : how to test for Ready when document is in a FRAME and it contains a large image with an image-map?

I am encountering problems which I believe to be related to the document (inside a FRAME) not being quite ready to go, and would like to know what the best practices are for testing for "ready" using jQuery 1.3.2 -- the version required for a particular plug-in that I'm using. Also, should the test be done in the document that sets up...

$(document).ready(function() {...}) runs before plugin script loads

I'm getting a JS error because my $(function () {...}) handler is being fired seemingly before the prerequisite plugin script is loaded. Only happens in IE (testing in IE7). I have some HTML in my <head> that looks like this: <script type="text/javascript" src="../resources/org.wicketstuff.jwicket.JQuery/jquery-1.4.2-special.js"></scri...

jQuery ready() in mvc2 only fires on first visit

Hi all, <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { alert("Hello jQuery."); }); </script> This works the first time I request /Home/Index, but if I navigate to eg /Account/Login then back to /Home/Index it doesn't work. Doing the same thing using a webforms project works everytime. What...

How to execute functions inside jquery document ready function closure, from a global context

Hi, I want to execute a function that is inside the jquery document ready closure. But I want to execute it from a global context. e.g. $("document").ready(function () { function myFunction() { alert("test"); } }); Is there some sort of "path" syntax I can write, to get inside the doc ready closure? e.g. Here is som...

How do I ensure that Google Analytics is loaded before calling it's functions?

After reading a blog post, I got the idea to add safety code to ensure that the Google Analytics objects are fully loaded before calling it's functions. Typicle Google Analytics code goes something like: var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("X-UAXXXXX"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); and pageTracker._addItem( bla bla ); pageTracker._t...

How to interpret full programs in Ready Lisp?

I've just downloaded Ready Lisp and am playing around with the REPL. What I want to know is, how do I write a long program, interpret it and get the output? Sort of like what PLT Scheme has. I'd like to do this with a minimal amount of hassle if that's possible. Just want to get on with the book I'm reading. Thanks. ...

display loading graphic while iframe loads content from other domain

I need a loading graphic to appear for pages in a lightboxed iframe with a different domain than the parent ( The pages that aren't triggering the graphic aren't requested via ajax (ie. no $.post()). The page that does correctly call the loading graphic is requested via $.post(). 3 steps to see the difference betw...