
How does the recursion here work?

code 1: public static int fibonacci (int n){ if (n == 0 || n == 1) { return 1; } else { return fibonacci (n-1) + fibonacci (n-2); } } how can you use fibonacci if you haven't gotten done explaining what it is yet? I've been able to understand using recursion in other cases like this...

generate structured (xml) document from hierarchical table data (T-SQL)

Hello people! I have a table like this (simplified): ID | Name | Parent --------------------------------- 1 | IND | NULL 2 | INS | 5 3 | CON | NULL 4 | AUT | 1 5 | FIN | NULL 6 | PHA | 1 7 | CFIN | 5 8 | CMRKT | 7 DDL: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblIndustryCodes]( ...

What is tail recursion optimization?

Possible Duplicate: What is tail-recursion? What is tail recursion optimization? ...

How did this get 8?

Here's the code: class qual { public static int fibonacci(int n) { if (n == 0 || n == 1) { return 1; } else { return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); } } public static void main(String[] arg) { System.out.println(fibonacci(5)...

in regard to recursion what is a seed value?

in regard to recursion what is a seed value? ...

Recursion Question--Java

Ok so I have a recursion problem thats causing a stack overflow error at large sizes I increased the heap size to like it works fine at smaller sizes. The problem is to find the largest contiguous group of cells with 1 or more adults in a 2d- array. public class Field { Cell[][] cells; public Field(Cell[][] cells){ th...

When to use recursive mutex?

I understand recursive mutex allows mutex to be locked more than once without getting to a deadlock and should be unlocked the same number of times. But in what specific situations do you need to use a recursive mutex? I'm looking for design/code-level situations. ...

Typed recursive element

Hi, 1. Need to define XSD element that has some attributes and can hold list of itself This is the type definition: <xs:complexType name="t_TestCase" > <xs:sequence> <xs:element type="t_TestCase" minOccurs="0"></xs:element> </xs:sequence> </xs:complexType> This is the element based on the type: BUT - when adding attribute...

Make a php function recursive

I have written a function for a multilevel wordpress menu, but I'd like it to work for any number of levels, at the moment it is written to work for 3 levels. //only gets the top level items $top_level_pages = get_pages('parent=0&sort_column=menu_order&exclude=129,2,13'); foreach($top_level_pages as $page){ //print_r($top_level_pages); ...

"too much recursion" jquery error

Trying to create a background-image slideshow and am getting this error... This is the code I'm trying to implement: var $j = jQuery.noConflict(); $j( function(){ var bgArr = [ 'sample1.jpg','sample2.jpg','sample3.jpg' ]; function backgroundSlide(i) { $j("#home_sub_banner").css("background-image", "url("+bgArr[i++]...

How to build nested menu "trees" in HAML

Hey there, I am trying to build a simple nested html menu using HAML and am not sure how to go about inserting the elements with the correct indentation, or the general best way to build nested trees. I would like to be able to do something like this, but infinitely deep: - categories.each_key do |category|{:id => "ca...

sequence with and without recursion

I have a sequence. a1 = 1 - cos(x); ai = a1 + (-1)^(i-1) * x^(2*i-2) / (2*i-2)! I need to write this with and without recursion. But it has a different results. Here is my code: ...

Linked list recursive reverse

I was looking at the code below from stanford library: void recursiveReverse(struct node** head_ref) { struct node* first; struct node* rest; /* empty list */ if (*head_ref == NULL) return; /* suppose first = {1, 2, 3}, rest = {2, 3} */ first = *head_ref; rest = first->next; /* List has only ...

php recursion global variable?

I have a recursion function that parses an object/array with a global variable. If I comment out the global variable I get nothing but if I leave it in it keeps adding to the array other values that should be in it own result set. Do I need to change something here? UPDATE #2: How can I get the return I want, I thought I was pushing all...

Recursively MySQL Query

How can I implement recursive MySQL Queries. I am trying to look for it but resources are not very helpful. Trying to implement similar logic. public function initiateInserts() { //Open Large CSV File(min 100K rows) for parsing. $this->fin = fopen($file,'r') or die('Cannot open file'); //Parsing Large CSV file to get dat...

Pyjamas & JavaScript: Too much recursion

I'm doing a Pyjamas example and get this error: TodoApp InternalError: too much recursion Here is the significant portion of from the linked tutorial (please ignore indentation from the copy/paste): class TodoApp: def onModuleLoad(self): self.remote = DataService() panel = VerticalPanel() self.todoTextBox = T...

passing self data into a recursive function

I'm trying to set a function to do something like this def __binaryTreeInsert(self, toInsert, currentNode=getRoot(), parentNode=None): where current node starts as root, and then we change it to a different node in the method and recursivly call it again. However, i cannot get the 'currentNode=getRoot()' to work. If i try calling ...

Returning recursive ternary freaks out

Hi, assume this following function: int binaryTree::findHeight(node *n) { if (n == NULL) { return 0; } else { return 1 + max(findHeight(n->left), findHeight(n->right)); } } Pretty standard recursive treeHeight function for a given binary search tree binaryTree. Now, I was helping a friend (he's taking an al...

Help needed inorder to avoid recursion

Hello All I have a method, which gives me the required number of Boxes based on number of devices it can hold.Currently i have implemented this logic using recursion private uint PerformRecursiveDivision(uint m_oTotalDevices,uint m_oDevicesPerBox, ref uint BoxesRequired) { if (m_oTotalDevices< m_oDevicesPerBox) ...

Recursion with an Array; can't get the right value to return

Solution found - in under 5 minutes, thanks folks! Clarification: The contents of my array are the values 0-29. So array[0][0] = 0, while array[29][0] = 29 --- they're just test values. Also, I have a potential solution that's been posted multiple times, going to try that. Recursive Solution: Not working! Explanation: An integer, ti...