
Can someone help with big O notation?

void printScientificNotation(double value, int powerOfTen) { if (value >= 1.0 && value < 10.0) { System.out.println(value + " x 10^" + powerOfTen); } else if (value < 1.0) { printScientificNotation(value * 10, powerOfTen - 1); } else // value >= 10.0 { printScientificNotation(value / 10, powerOfTen + 1); } } assuming...

Basic Recursion, Check Balanced Parenthesis

Greetings all, I've written software in the past that uses a stack to check for balanced equations, but now I'm asked to write a similar algorithm recursively to check for properly nested brackets and parenthesis. Good examples: () [] () ([]()[]) Bad examples: ( (] ([)] Suppose my function is called: isBalanced. Should e...

python multithread "maximum recursion depth exceed"

I use Python multithread to realize Quicksort. Quicksort is implement in a function. It is a recursive function. Each thread calls Quicksort to sort the array it has. Each thread has its own array that stores the numbers needs to be sorted. If the array size is smaller (<10,000). It runs ok. However, if the array size is larger, it shows...

C++ Recursion Issue

Hi guys, I feel a little dumb asking this, but here we go... When trying to follow the Recursion example at the following website, I ran into a road bump that has me perplexed. I altered the code slightly just to get my head around the code in the recursion example and I pretty much h...

How do I make this loop all children recursively?

I have the following: for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++){ if(hasClass(children[i], "lbExclude")){ children[i].parentNode.removeChild(children[i]); } }; I would like it to loop through all children's children, etc (not just the top level). I found this line, which seems to do that: for(var m = n.firstChild; m != nu...

Function changing input

I would like to go from one number to another. For example if I started at 6 and my goal was 10 I want a function that on every pass would bring me from 6 towards 10 or if I had the number 14 and my goal was 9 it would count down from 14 towards 9.So far I have (this is written in Processing a Java Api but there is essentially no differe...

Recursion in prepared statements

I've been using PDO and preparing all my statements primarily for security reasons. However, I have a part of my code that does execute the same statement many times with different parameters, and I thought this would be where the prepared statements really shine. But they actually break the code... The basic logic of the code is this. ...

In terminal, merging multiple folders into one.

I have a backup directory created by WDBackup (western digital external HD backup util) that contains a directory for each day that it backed up and the incremental contents of just what was backed up. So the hierarchy looks like this: 20100101 My Documents Letter1.doc My Music Best Songs Every First Songs.mp3 My...

Stop an executing recursive javascript function

Using jQuery, I've build an image/slide rotator. The basic setup is (in pseudocode): function setupUpSlide(SlideToStartWith){ var thisSlide = SlideToStartWith; ...set things up... fadeInSlide(thisSlide) } function fadeInSlide(thisSlide){ ...fade in this slide... fadeOutSlide(thisSlide) } function fadeOutSlide(this...

Create a triangle out of stars using only recursion

I need to to write a method that is called like printTriangle(5);. We need to create an iterative method and a recursive method (without ANY iteration). The output needs to look like this: * ** *** **** ***** This code works with the iterative but I can't adapt it to be recursive. public void printTriangle (int count) { int line ...

sorting using recursion

I have the following function to sort an unordered array to having even numbers in the front and odd numbers in the back. Is there a way to get it done without using any loops? //front is 0, back =array.length-1; arrangeArray (front, back); public static void arrangeArray (int front, int back) { if (front != back || front<back) ...

Can you make a PHP function recursive without repeating its name?

It's always bugged me a recursive function needs to name itself, when a instantiated class can use $this and a static method can use self etc. Is there a similar way to do this in a recursive function without naming it again (just to cut down on maintenance)? Obviously I could use call_user_func or the __FUNCTION__ constant but I would...

Are there any example of Mutual recursion?

Are there any example for a recursive function that call an other one which calls the first one too ? example function1() { //do something f2(); //do something } function2() { //do something f1(); //do something } ...

Why is my simple recusive method's final return value always off by 1?

I'm attempting to create a text-based version of this game: Here is the code I have so far: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <ctime> class Clickomania { public: Clickomania(); std::vector<std::vector<int> > board; int move(int, int); bool isSolv...

build a bst as an array using recursion?

String[] dictionary = new String[dictSize]; //arrray of strings from dictionary String[] tree = new String[3*dictSize]; //array of tree void makeBST() { recMakeBST(0, dictionary.length-1); }//makeBST() int a=0; void recMakeBST(int low, int high) { if(high-low==0){ return; } else{ int mid=(high-low)/2; ...

Recursive follow files in bash

I have files which contain file names pointing to other files. These files contain further file names pointing further files and so on. I need a bash script which follows each files recursively and logs into file every touched file during the run. file1: file2 file3 file2: file4 file3: file5 file4 and file5 are empty. Re...

A RecursiveParentChildIterator -- like the RecursiveDirectoryIterator

There are tons of examples of using the RecursiveIterator to flatten a tree structure.. but what about using it to explode a tree structure? Is there an elegant way to use this, or some other SPL library to recursively build a tree (read: turn a flat array into array of arbitrary depth) given a table like this: SELECT id, parent_id, na...

condition in recursion - best practise

hi there! what's the best practise to break a loop? my ideas were: Child Find(Parent parent, object criteria) { Child child = null; foreach(Child wannabe in parent.Childs) { if (wannabe.Match(criteria)) { child = wannabe; } else { child = Find(wannabe, criteri...

Segmentation fault C++ in recursive function

Why do I get a segmentation fault in my recursive function. It happens every time i call it when a value greater than 4 as a parameter #include <iostream> #include <limits> using namespace std; int printSeries(int n){ if(n==1){ return 1; } else if( n==2){ return 2; } else if( n==3){ ...

SQL select descendants of a row

Suppose a tree structure is implemented in SQL like this: CREATE TABLE nodes ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, parent INTEGER -- references nodes(id) ); Although cycles can be created in this representation, let's assume we never let that happen. The table will only store a collection of roots (records where parent is null) and their...