IIS Recycle Global.asax
Is it possible to catch an recycle event in the global.asax? I know Application_End will be triggered but is there a way to know that it was triggered by a recycle of the application pool? thx, Lieven Cardoen aka Johlero ...
Is it possible to catch an recycle event in the global.asax? I know Application_End will be triggered but is there a way to know that it was triggered by a recycle of the application pool? thx, Lieven Cardoen aka Johlero ...
Background This question is in two parts. I have a one-way WCF operation hosted in IIS 6. The following is my understanding of how this works: _1. IIS receives a request. _2. IIS sends an HTTP 202 response (thanks, I'll process this later). _3. IIS calls my one-way WCF operation. Now control passes to my WCF operation w...
I've noticed that on one of my production web apps, when I manually recycle an app pool, the recycled worker process can take upwards of 60+ seconds to actually be completely destroyed, based on watching it in Task Manager. However, if I stop the app pool completely, the worker process goes away nearly instantaneously - within 1-2 second...
I have a .NET 1.1 application hosted on two different servers, but on one of them whenever the application pool is recycled, all sessions are dropped. Both applications are using “StateServer” session mode and as far as I could tell, both servers have exactly the same configuration and have the “ASP .NET State Server” service running. ...
Hi, One of my site is on a shared hosting and every few days the site will stop working. The pages will simply stop loading. After contacting my host they suggested that I disable/re-enable from their hosting management tool the windows services for my site every time this happens. In the list on their website I have: ASP, ASP.net and ...
I have a variable declared called "Context" which is of type System.Web.HttpApplication On this variable I access a list called "Application" as follows. Context.Application.Add("NameOfItem", ItemToStore) What I want to do is use the Global.asx file to save the contents of the "Application" list to a file when IIS restarts/recycles a...
suppose I need to allocate and delete object on heap frequently (of arbitrary size), is there any performance benefit if instead of deleting those objects, I will return it back to some "pool" to be reused later? would it give benefit by reduce heap allocation/deallocation?, or it will be slower compared to memory allocator performance,...
Where on my computer would I be able to find the last date that the recycle bin was last emptied, would such an event be stored in the windows system logs? and if so where? Thanks :) ...
In the asp.net webservice, I have a static dataset that loads data (synchronized) upon first time access. However, when IIS recycle the app pool, I have exception thrown because of "Collection was modified; enumeration operation might not execute." The recycle will start the new process, which will create new static dataset, the request...
Hi, my app has widgets that have an ImageView and a TextView. On the onUpdate() method of the WidgetProvider, I put a Bitmap inside the ImageView this way: Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(context.getResources(), R.drawable.widget_btn); Bitmap bitmap2 = BitmapManager.setColor(bitmap, red, green, blue); views.setImageViewBit...
Hello, I've got a functional test that's using fixtures. I also am using fixtures in my Unit tests, but they work without flaw. When running the functional tests, I get a: NoMethodError: undefined method 'recycle!' for #<Response:0x10346be10> /test/functional/responses_controller_test.rb:10:in 'test_testing' My functional tests, at ...