
How to redirect to different admin page in Wordpress?

Hi I am writing a Wordpress plugin. I want to perform a redirect (after creating DB records from POST data, etc...) to other ADMIN page. Neither header("Location: ...) nor wp_redirect() work - i get Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by which comes from obvious reason. How do I properly perform a red...

Problem redirecting a C program output in bash

I've coded a program in C that sends messages to the stdout using printf and I'm having trouble redirecting the output to a file (running from bash). I've tried: ./program argument >> program.out ./program argument > program.out ./program >> program.out argument ./program > program.out argument In each case, the file program.out is...

Post/Redirect/Get: Redirect to specific route

I have the following scenario: I have an edit page, which can be called from different pages. These pages could be the detail view for the current entity, or the list view for the entities (with or without a search in the route). HOW do I cleanly redirect to the original calling page using the MVC framework? Of course I could simply pa...

How can I make a redirect page In jQuery?

How can I redirect the user from one page to another using jQuery? ...

ASP.NET 404 (page not found) redirection with original parameters preserved

I'm replacing an old web application with a new one, with different structure. I can not change the virtual directory path for the new app, as I have users which have bookmarked different links to the old app. Lets say I have a user, who has this bookmark: http://server/webapp/oldpage.aspx?data=somedata My new app is going to reside ...

ASP redirect that passes Basic Authorization in header

How can I cause a redirect in ASP (pre .NET) to carry the Basic Authorization header as the ASP request. We tried using the following code . response.setHeader( "Authorization", "Basic " + strAuth ); response.sendRedirect( src ); response.flushBuffer(); The header is set on the response of the .asp, but not passed on to the request t...

Basic question about servlet mapping

Hi, I am new to J2EE and related stuff in general. I am trying to move a particular web application from a Sun One server deployment on to JBoss. The application is filled with a lot of servlets where each one re-directs to another. There are way too many servlets for me to enter a mapping between each of these servlet class to a URL-ma...

Get Session to expire gracefully in ASP.NET

I need a way to tell ASP.NET "Kill the current session and start over with a brand new one" before/after a redirect to a page. Here's what I'm trying to do: 1) Detect when a session is expired in the master page (or Global.asax) of an ASP.NET application. 2) If the session is expired, redirect the user to a page telling them that thei...

Ethics of blocking external hotlinking

I'm just looking through some of the webmaster stats that Google provides, and noticed that the most common links to our website are to some research articles that we've put up in PDF format. The articles are also available on the site in HTML. I was looking at the sites (mostly forums and blogs) which link to these articles and was thi...

T-SQL 2005: Suppress the output of the results set.

Hi guys. I have some stored procedures which are used for generating Reports. I am trying to build a report dashboard that will show how many records are on each report. The SPs are detailed in a table which details in which order they should be run. I have a dashboard SP in which I am using Cursor to go through the database table, e...

.htaccess Redirect to script in subdirectory...

I need to have a .htaccess rewrite rule redirect to a script in the root of a subdirectory, but only for any files/directories in that sub directory... / /subdir/ /index.php /somedir/ /anotherdir/ For the structure above, I want anyone browsing to /subdir to go to /subdir/index.php, and anyone going to /subdir/somedir/ to /su...

How to redirect with "www" URL's to without "www" URL's or vice-versa ?

Hi, I am using ASP.NET 2.0 C#. I want to redirect all request for my web app with "www" to without "www" to Or to is already doing this, I know there is a premade mechanism in PHP (.htaccess) file. But how to do it in ? Thanks ...

Python + Django page redirect

How do I accomplish a simple redirect (e.g. cflocation in ColdFusion, or header(location:http://) in php)? ...

htaccess reference problem

Hey I have this htaccess code: RewriteEngine on RewriteBase /xm/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php$ RewriteRule ^([a-z0-9]*)\.php$ index.php?page=$1 And I want that when the user goes to, for example, main.php, that this htaccess redirects to index.php?page=main, but every time, and with every page, it redirects to index.php?pa...

Apache Redirect problem in .htaccess

Hello I am having problems getring a simple redirect statement to take effect on my Godaddy account. I have the following statements in my .htaccess file: RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L] RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC] RewriteRule ^/lis...

Hyperlinks stop working in firefox after redirect?

On a project I'm working on, I am using HTTP headers to redirect the user to the frontpage after a successful login; header("Location:"); exit(0); EDIT: Added questionmark to url to show the problem This works fine in all browsers tested - however, in Firefox 3.0.6, both on windows, mac and debian, it fa...

SimpleModal Problem in jQuery

Dear all, I am using simplemodal in jQuery. I used Ajax for displaying radio buttons. It should list the radio button and values, after the radio button click the page to be Redirected to page2. When I tested it on localhost everything was fine. But it doesn't redirect the page on the web server. Any change I should make? My code: ...

Get the URL string a user entered when using .htaccess

I'm currently using an htaccess file to redirect users from detail.asp?CategoryID=XX&SubCategoryID=XX&ProductID=XX to catid-XX-subcatid-xx-productid-xx but I now need to check they've arrived at the correct page. I'm doing this by checking that the query string values are correct. However I'd rather check that the user arrived at "...

htaccess redirect for everything but files/directories

I am trying to create a rewrite rule that accomplishes two things: Redirect (www.)? to Let any other directory or file request on through without redirection This not an Apache server (it's LiteSpeed), but supposedly it supports .htaccess files wholly. This was my shot at the rule: RewriteEngine...

Renaming File on another server as user downloads it [2] - using PHP

I have asked this question today already but this time I want to know if I can achieve this via PHP since Javascript wasn't up to it. I have a link to a file on another server. If i provide this link to my users the headers are pushed out to download that file from that server. Is there a way for me to capture those headers and file an...