
Lookup table size reduction

Hello: I have an application in which I have to store a couple of millions of integers, I have to store them in a Look up table, obviously I cannot store such amount of data in memory and in my requirements I am very limited I have to store the data in an embebedded system so I am very limited in the space, so I would like to ask you ab...

View Reduction Steps in Haskell

I was wondering if there is anyway to view the reduction steps in haskell, i.e trace the recursive function calls made, for e.g chez scheme provides us with trace-lambda, is there an equivalent form in Haskell, and how to use it? Thanks, Shiv ...

Performing expression evaluation/reduction in Visual Studio 2008

Is it possible to get Visual Studio to do mathematical expression evaluation/reduction? For example if I type '-0.005 + -0.345' how do I get Visual Studio to reduce that (i.e. replace it with the reduction)? Do I have to write a macro? If so, are there any pre-existing macros to do this type of expression reduction? Just to be clear,...

General rules for simplifying SQL statements

I'm looking for some "inference rules" (similar to set operation rules or logic rules) which I can use to reduce a SQL query in complexity or size. Does there exist something like that? Any papers, any tools? Any equivalencies that you found on your own? It's somehow similar to query optimization, but not in terms of performance. To sta...

CSS Reduction Tool

Hi all, I was wondering whether anyone knows of any tools available that perform the task of analyzing one or more CSS files, determining the similarity between the various rules within the files and presenting the user with options for the merging and reduction of rulesets. I ask this because a project I am working on has reached the p...

Shorten array in PHP: 20 values => X values

Hello! In PHP I have an array containing 20 elements or more. The keys have been assigned automatically. The values are random numbers from 1 to 50. <?php $randomList = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $randomList[] = mt_rand(1, 50); } ?> Now I want to plot this array into a line chart. Unfortunately, I can only use 5 points ...

Simple reduction (NP completeness)

hey guys I'm looking for a means to prove that the bicriteria shortest path problem is np complete. That is, given a graph with lengths and weights, I need to know if a there exists a path in the graph from s to t with total length <= L and weight <= W. I know that i must take an NP complete problem and reduce it to this one. We have at...

Is there a library for .NET that does parenthesis or expression reduction and optimization?

Is there a library for .NET that does parenthesis or expression reduction and optimization? Something that would take an expression such as (A & (((B) | (C)) | D))) and return A & (B | C | D) But also take (A & A) and return A ...

How to reduce the number of points in (x,y) data

I have a set of data points: (x1, y1) (x2, y2) (x3, y3) ... (xn, yn) The number of sample points can be thousands. I want to represent the same curve as accurately as possible with minimal (lets suppose 30) set of points. I want to capture as many inflection points as possible. However, I have a hard limit on the number of allowed poin...

what is the best and easiest api for audio noise reduction

my application is voice recognition. and im using Sphinx and configured it with my application and working fine. i do need to find a proper API for noise reduction so that i can avoid distrotion in the wav file. my application is implemented using by java. can someone suggest me some good api's that i can use for my application ...

Sequence reduction in R

Assume you have a vector like so: v <- c(1,1,1,2,2,2,2,1,1,3,3,3,3) How can it be best reduced to a data.frame like this? v.df <- data.frame(value=c(1,2,1,3),repetitions=c(3,4,2,4)) In a procedural language I might just iterate through a loop and build the data.frame as I go, but with a large dataset in R such an approach is ineffi...

Lambda Calculus reduction

All, Below is the lambda expression which I am finding difficult to reduce i.e. I am not able to understand how to go about this problem. (λm λn λa λb . m (n a b) b) (λ f x. x) (λ f x. f x) This is what I tried, but I am stuck: Considering the above expression as : (λm.E) M equates to E= (λn λa λb. m (n a b) b) M = (λf x. x)(λ f x....

comparing Matlab vs CUDA correlation and reduction on a 2D array

I am trying to compare cross-correlation using FFT vs using windowing method. My Matlab code is: isize = 20; n = 7; for i = 1:n %%7x7 xcorr for j = 1:n xcout(i,j) = sum(sum(ffcorr1 .* ref(i:i+isize-1,j:j+isize-1))); %%ref is 676 element array and ffcorr1 is a 400 element array end end similar CUDA kernel: __global__ void xc_...

Is it possible to do a reduction on an array with openmp?

Does OpenMP natively support reduction of a variable that represents an array? This would work something like the following... float* a = (float*) calloc(4*sizeof(float)); omp_set_num_threads(13); #pragma omp parallel reduction(+:a) for(i=0;i<4;i++){ a[i] += 1; // Thread-local copy of a incremented by something interesting } // a ...