
In C# are the terms "Primitive" and "Literal" interchangeable?

A discussion earlier today led me to question whether or not my understanding of primtives and literals is correct. My understanding is that a literal type is specifically a type which can have a value assigned using a notation that both human and compiler can understand without specific type declarations: var firstName = "John"; // ...

Why java has "String" type and not "string" ?

Wrapper class are just fine and their purpose is also well understood. But why do we omit the primitive type ? ...

Quick question about a reference type key in a generic dictionary in .Net

I have a mutable class that I'm using as a key to a generic dictionary. Two keys should be equal only if their references are equal. From what I've read, in this case, I don't need to override Equals, GetHashCode , or implement IEqualityComparer. Is this correct? ...

c# readonly object

Is there any way to return a readonly instance of an object? public class Person { public String FirstName { get; set; } public String LastName { get; set; } } public class SomeClass { public SomeClass(Person manager) { if (manager == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("manager"); _manage...

Why is string a reference type?

Why is string a reference type, even though it's normally primitive data type such as int, float, or double. ...

In C#, is there a clean way of checking for multiple levels of null references

For example, if I want to call the following: person.Head.Nose.Sniff() then if I want to be safe I have to do the following: if(person != null) if(person.Head != null) if(person.Head.Nose != null) person.Head.Nose.Sniff(); is there any easier way of formulating this expression? ...

Is creating a C# generic method that accepts (nullable) value type and reference type possible?

I want to create a simple method that accepts both value type and reference type parameters, i.e. int is value, and string is reference. So this is what I start with: public bool areBothNotNull<T>(T? p1, T? p2) { return (p1.HasValue && p2.HasValue); } So I want to be able to use it like this: var r1 = areBothNotNull<int>(3, 4);...