accurate page view count
What is a good approach to keeping accurate counts of how many times a page has been viewed I'm using Django. Specifically, I don't want refreshing the page to up the count. ...
What is a good approach to keeping accurate counts of how many times a page has been viewed I'm using Django. Specifically, I don't want refreshing the page to up the count. ...
Hey, Topic says it. Short version: I need a way to force a refresh of the page on First page-load only. Would be easy in, but I've no idea how to go about this in classic asp. Longer version: I'm trying to update a rather large application, and one of its problems is that when you log in, it doesn't yet store the necessary info...
I've a Visual C++ project but I don't be able to refresh the window and redraw itself. I've used RedrawWindow(); m_ProgressDlg->RedrawWindow(); and also UpdateData(false); m_ProgressDlg->UpdateData(false); but never seems go well. How can I do? ...
Hi, How refresh part of page ("DIV") after my application release a submit? I'm use JQuery with plugin ajaxForm. I set my target with "divResult", but the page repeat your content inside the "divResult". Sources: $(document).ready(function() { $("#formSearch").submit(function() { var options = { ...
Javascript? Metatag refresh? Response.Redirect (to self) Server.Transfer (to self) Ajax update panel? ...
I have a webform and i want to detect if F5 button was pressed or if the page was refreshed. I know about postback but it is not what i'm looking for. I have a gridview that loads in a modal popup when a button is clicked and a parameter's value is set for the gridview. When refresh is hit and if the modal popup button was previously cli...
Hello! I'm using the lastest version of Silverlight 2.0 within Visual Studio 2008. I have a simple Silverlight UserControl with the following code: public partial class SilverlightControl1 : UserControl { public SilverlightControl1() { InitializeComponent(); this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(SilverlightContr...
Hello! I'm using WPF within Visual Studio 2008. I have a simple WPF UserControl with the following code: public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl { public UserControl1() { InitializeComponent(); Composite = new Composite(); } protected override void OnRender(DrawingContext drawingContext) { ...
I am building a simple roulette app. The player(UI) puts together a list of bets and submits them to the table object to be evaluated and paid out. I've got the code to work and the game process goes smoothly. The problem is that after a turn I can't get the player balance(textblock) or the betlist(listview) to update. Is there some ...
I have a div that is generated html via Expression Engine. I'm using ajax submit: $('#login-form').ajaxForm({ // success identifies the function to invoke when the server response // has been received; here we apply a fade-in effect to the new content success: function() { $("#panel").RELOAD!!();//Just refresh this...
Every time I start Eclipse it tries to refresh an entire project, which translates to more than 10 minutes of wait time, not to mention the ridiculous amount of memory it would consume. I know there's a global setting to turn off automatic refreshing (General -> Workspace -> Refresh automatically). Is there a way to turn that off on ind...
I am debugging an algorithm that is being represented by a set of ViewModels. In order to debug this algorithm I would like to redraw the View while stepping through part of the algorithm. Is this possible? (I would prefer to just repaint, not do what they call "DoEvents" to process all events.) ...
Is there are easy way to implement a rolling percentage for a process in Java, to be displayed in the console? I have a percentage data type (double) I generated during a particular process, but can I force it to the console window and have it refresh, instead of just printing a new line for each new update to the percentage? I was think...
Hi, I have created a class RoundIcon which extends View and the class contains setIconImage() method: public void setIconImage(int imageFromResources) { iconImage = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), imageFromResources); iconWidth = iconImage.getWidth(); iconHeight = iconImage.getHeight(); refreshDrawableState(); } and ...
How can I make the FileOpenDialog disappear? private void ofdAttachment_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { string fullFilename = ofdAttachment.FileName; string filename = Path.GetFileName(fullFilename); string dirName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullFilename); this.Parent.Refresh(); this.Refresh();...
I have a button on my applet (contained in a browser) that I would like to make reload or refresh the entire applet one of two ways: Refresh the applet itself without having to refresh the browser Refresh the entire browser Is this possible from within the applet? ...
I have a page in my website which view life information(like bourse info) from database What I want is : refresh a part of the page through the AJAX technics When a new row is added to one of the tables in the database. ...
Here is my try: @header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); @header("Location:/index.php"); @header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1 @header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past As you have seen,there is no control over "3 seconds",how to make it take effect in 3 seconds? ...
Hi, I'm trying to refresh a page without sending POST from the previous time. I've tried"postme.php?r=t","_self"); Which appends a ?r=t to the end but it doesn't appear to refresh the page as the page displays a number of file s in a directory which hasn't change even though I have moved or deleted them. Can you specify...
Hello, i have a webform that generates a file, but when i click the button that produces the postback to generate the file Once it finish if i press Refresh (F5) the page resubmit the postback and regenerates the file, there's any way to validate it and show a message to the user or simply DO NOTHING! thanks :) ...