
How to launch windows regedit with certain path?

How to launch windows regedit with certain path located, like "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0", so I don't have to do the clicking. What's the command line argument to do this? Or Any place to find the explanation of regedit switches? ...

Regedit file format

I would like to document the file format of regedit utility, so data can be merged into the registry. From the command-line you can (silently) merge data from a batch file like this: regedit /s file.reg Exporting from a subkey goes like this: regedit /e file.reg "HKEY_XX\key" ...

php/dos : How do you parse a regedit export file?

My objective is to look for Company key-value in the registry hive and then pull the corresponding Guid and other keys and values following it. So I figured i would run the regedit export command and then parse the file with php for the keys I need. So after running the dos batch command >regedit /E "output.txt" "HKLM\System....\Co...

regedit dialog not opening

Hi, I am trying to open regedit from run dialog on Winxp. I tried to lauch it from alternative places such as Task Manager, IE etc. I am running as admin Forums reveal that's it's a virus. but nothing concrete to get it working Any help? Thanks ...

add shortcut to my program when right click

Hi all, Im not sure what the exact term should i called. I want to add shortcut to my C# program when i right click in windows. From my findings, it got something to do with configure the "regedit". I have this example, but it was made for IE. can anyone point me to any references that can solve my problems? references: http://blog.v...

C# receiving argumens from Windows Context menu

Hi, I have done this before but for the life of me cant remember how to do this... In my explorer context menu i added a new entry (go to regedit...go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT...bla bla bla)... Nou when i click on my option i want to pass in the file path, file name, those kind of things to my application...and then use it there? Anybody??...

How to ignore the error of the certificate

Sorry ,my English is poor, I have never speak English after I leave the school. but now this problem have trouble me for a long days. My problem: when I open the website which the security certificate is wrong ,then IE8 show: =========================== There is a problem with this website's security certificate. The security certi...

We are able to connect to remote desktop but randomly keyboard does not work in remote machine. Where as mouse works perfectly.

Description: The project deals with interaction with the remote desktop connecting through web browser (Internet Explorer). What we did: We have created an activex which installs through the web browser into client machine which lets the user to connect to different servers through web browser. What is in Activex In Activex we used ...

Add to Trusted Site

What we did: We have created an activex which installs through the web browser into client machine What are the Problems facing now? We are trying to add the site in trusted site list Which we wrote the code in Activex. So while installing it adds the site to Trusted sites list But it is not affected immediately ...

Copy as path in windows context menu

Hi , I'm trying to implement "Copy as path" option in windows context menu ,which copies current file or folder path to clip board instead of installing a software for this , i would like to implement it my self. Any suggestions? ...

Adding an option to the windows right-click menu

I want to add some compile options to the right click menu. For instance, when I right-click a Haskell (.hs) file, I want to have an option "Compile with GHC". Following some instructions I found online, I went into regedit, and under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.hs, I added shell\Compile with GHC\command, giving the compile command as the (Defaul...