
Where does RegexBuddy store its working data between uses?

Ok, so I'm an idiot. So I was working on a regex that took way to long to craft. After perfecting it, I upgraded my work machine with a blazing fast hard drive and realized that I never saved the regex anywhere and simply used RegexBuddy's autosave to store it. Dumb dumb dumb. I sent a copy of the regex to a coworker but now he c...

Is there anything like RegexBuddy in the open source world?

I've used RegexBuddy several times and found it to be a really useful tool. Is there anything like it in the open source world, preferably something that is platform agnostic? (the fact that regexbuddy is windows only is a real downer) The only thing I've been able to find is Kodos, which I've also used quite a lot, but it doesn't quit...

Regular expresion to match urls JAVA

I use RegexBuddy while working with regular expressions. From its library i copied the regular expression to match urls. I tested succesfully within regexbuddy. However, when I copied it as Javas String flavor and pasted it into java code it does not work. The next class prints false: public class RegexFoo { public static void mai...

How to "inverse match" with regex?

I'm using RegexBuddy but I'm in trouble anyway with this thing :\ I'm processing line by line a file. I built a "line model" to match what I want. Now i'd like to do an inverse match... i.e. I want to match lines where there is a string of 6 letters, but only if these six letters are not Andrea, how should I do that? EDIT: I'll writ...

What is a "Nested Quantifier" and why is it causing my regex to fail?

I have this regex I built and tested in regex buddy. "_ [ 0-9]{10}+ {1}+[ 0-9]{10}+ {2}+[ 0-9]{6}+ {2}[ 0-9]{2}" When I use this in .Net C# I receive the exception "parsing \"_ [ 0-9]{10}+ +[ 0-9]{10}+ +[ 0-9]{6}+ [ 0-9]{2}\" - Nested quantifier +." What does this error mean? Apparently .net doesn't like the expression. Here is ...

RegEx Whitespace Vs. Eclipse

Hello, I´m trying to make a regular expression to match a whitespace and so far I´m doing this: Powered[\s]*[bB]y.*MyBB I know it should work because I've tried it with Regex Buddy and it says it does but when I try to run it with Eclipse it marks an error saying it's not a valid escape sequence and it automatically adds 2 ´\´ renderi...

preg_match works in regexbuddy, not in php

Ok so I have this regex that I created and it works fine in RegexBuddy but not when I load it into php. Below is an example of it. Using RegexBuddy I can get it to works with this: \[code\](.*)\[/code\] And checking the dot matches newline, I added the case insensitive, but it works that way as well. Here is the php: $q = "[code]<d...

Why doesn't this Java regular expression work?

I need to create a regular expression that allows a string to contain any number of: alphanumeric characters spaces ( ) & . No other characters are permitted. I used RegexBuddy to construct the following regex, which works correctly when I test it within RegexBuddy: \w* *\(*\)*&*\.* Then I used RegexBuddy's "Use" feature to conver...

Regex in Python

Goal: Given a number (it may be very long and it is greater than 0), I'd like to get the five least meaningful digits dropping any 0 at the end of that number. I tried to solve this with regex, Helped by RegexBuddy I came to this one: [\d]+([\d]{0,4}+[1-9])0* But python can't compile that. >>> import re >>> re.compile(r"[\d]+([\d]{0...

find duplicate lines and remove using regular expression with replace feature

Not use any programming language. Only use regular expression. is it possible? For example input>> 11 22 22 <-must remove 33 44 44 <-must remove 55 Output>> 11 22 33 44 55 ...

Clean HTML using C#

How do I repair malformed HTML using C#? A great answer would be an HTML Agility Pack sample! I'm scraping a site (for legitimate use). The site's HTML is OK but there are some annoying problems. One way I could go would be through regular expressions. I used Expression Web to analyse the problems and the regular expressions needed t...

Regex - Unicode Properties Reference and Examples

I feel lost with the Regex Unicode Properties presented by RegexBuddy, I cannot distinguish between any of the Number properties and the Math symbol property only seems to match + but not -, *, /, ^ for instance. Is there any documentation / reference with examples on regular expressions Unicode properties? ...

java regex to exclude specific strings from a larger one

I have been banging my head against this for some time now: I want to capture all [a-z]+[0-9]? character sequences excluding strings such as sin|cos|tan etc. So having done my regex homework the following regex should work: (?:(?!(sin|cos|tan)))\b[a-z]+[0-9]? As you see I am using negative lookahead along with alternation - the \b aft...

Regex.Split exhibiting strange behavior.

I have a regex expression that I'm doing a split against another string and I'm getting weird results. string subjectString = "Triage|Follow Up|QA"; string[] splitArray = null; try { splitArray = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(subjectString, @"(?<=(^|[^\\]))\|"); forea...

Delphi - TPerlRegEx / RegExBuddy Problem

I've got a problem with RegEx and Delphi 2k9 (Win32). I get the following Error: First chance exception at $7C812AFB. Exception class Exception with message 'TPerlRegEx.Compile() - Please specify a regular expression in RegEx first'. I've got the latest version of TPerlRegEx from the website. Using its defualt settings (Using DLL) I...

Is there an online RegexBuddy-like regular expression analyzer?

I'm looking for an online utility that will prettify and add explanatory comments to a regular expression. Does one exist? ...

Character class subtraction, converting from Java syntax to RegexBuddy

Which regular expression engine does Java uses? In a tool like RegexBuddy if I use [a-z&&[^bc]] that expression in Java is good but in RegexBuddy it has not been understood. In fact it reports: Match a single character present in the list below [a-z&&[^bc] A character in the range between a and z : a-z One of the cha...

Regular Expression to Match Exact Word - Search String Highlight

I'm using the following 2 methods to highlight the search keywords. It is working fine but fetching partial words also. For Example: Text: "This is .net Programming" Search Key Word: "is" It is highlighting partial word from th*is* and "is" Please let me know the correct regular expression to highlight the correct match. private s...

How to continue a match in Regex

price:(?:(?:\d+)?(?:\.)?\d+|min)-?(?:(?:\d+)?(?:\.)?\d+|max)? This Regex matches the following examples correctly. price:1.00-342 price:.1-23 price:4 price:min-900.00 price:.10-.50 price:45-100 price:453.23-231231 price:min-max Now I want to improve it to match these cases. price:4.45-8.00;10.45-14.50 price:1.00-max;3-12;23.34-1...

how to highlight part of textarea html code

I want to achieve a python version web regexbuddy,and i encounter a problem,how to highlight match values in different color(switch between yellow and blue) in a textarea,there has a demo what exactly i want on,but i was a newbie on js,i didn't understand his code meaning. any advice is appreciated ...