
How to check if a .net dll is registered ?

Hi all, I have .net solution (one project written in C++ COM others are written in C#) with its libraries. I would like to make some starttest-tool which would test if all C#, C++ libraries are correctlly registered. How I can do that ? How I can ask .NET if some C# or C++ COM library is regitered ? br, Milan. ...

Calculating ABSOLUTE ADDRESS / Registry values in Assembler (Intel 8086)

Hi guys. I know the ABSOLUTE ADDRESS of the next instruction is located 50000 (hex), and I know that the hex value that should be in the IP Register is 4000 (hex). My question is... Why does it work like this? I have the other registry values available if they're needed. Any idea? ...

Android: Detect if a View's parent Activity is paused

In one of my Activities I have a ListView that displays a list of locations. For each list item I want a little arrow icon that points in the direction of the corresponding location. I implemented this icon by extending ImageView. This custom View has a listener that reacts to changes of the device's orientation by rotating the icon imag...

Accessing memory space / registers on externally connected devices through software

This question is a bit vague, and I apologzie for that, but a fairly vague answer will do :) How do people typically access memory adresses of external devices (say, connected to a PC through USB, or even just say, a multipurpose microcontroller)? I'm wondering how software is able to find address to write to registers or EEPROM space. ...

adding usercontrol to aspx page.

The base class includes the field 'WebUserControl1', but its type (common_WebUserControl) is not compatible with the type of control (ASP.common_webusercontrol_ascx) my code: <%@ Register Src="~/LoginControl.ascx" TagName="TagLogin" TagPrefix="Login" %> <Login:TagLogin id="CtrlLoginControl" runat="server"></Login:TagLogin> wats wron...

Modifying SESC Emulator (MINT)

I'm trying to get MINT to display the contents of its register file during run time. Does anyone have experience using SESC/MINT to emulate a MIPS architecture? I found a function defined in icode.cpp under .../sesc/src/libll/ that dumps the operands of the ALU and the current PC, instruction, and ALU target. I need to be able to see ...


I am not able to PONG back the PING to IRC, which sends back a "You must register first" error, here is the code I'm using: Private Sub wsConnect_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long) Dim strData As String wsConnect.GetData strData If InStr(strData, "PING") <> 0 Then MsgBox ("Success!") 'Check it's receiving it. ...

Registration in Drupal Sites

I am making a drupal site and have a custom content type Event. I want user be able to register themselves at the event page. For this there is a module namely Event Manager . But this module is not present Drupal 6.x release. Is there some other workaround of this? ...

How to register a 64-bit DLL

Hi all, I want to register a 64-bit DLL on a 64-bit OS, (specifically Windows PE). I am not sure if I can use regsvr32.exe because of the limitations of Win PE (additionally, I think it will not work since regsvr32 is for 32-bit dlls). I need the DLL in order to run a program since the program does not run if the dll is not registered....

What would this register contain after...

I can't seem to figure out what eax contains after this peice of assembly: mov edi, [edi+4] lea eax, [edi+88h] With edi pointing to a class ...

Register multiple versions of same assembly in GAC

Hi, I need to register two versions of the same assembly in the GAC. From what I understand, it should be possible to register both versions, however when I try to register the second one using gacutil.exe I get the following message: Assembly already exists in cache. Use /f option to force overwrite The assembly I'm trying to regis...

Finding a list of recently registered domains?

Is there any site which gives the list of recently registered domains? I am looking to do some statistical analysis on domain name trends and this information is critical. Studying the latest domain names registered can also help in concluding about online trends etc. However, i have not been able to find a site which gives me this in...

ASP.NET MVC Registration With Captcha

Hi, I would like to allow my users to register from homepage by entering name, surname, email and password information. After submitting the form, I want to redirect my users to a security check page for a capthca validation. User will be saved to the database after this captcha validation. The scenario is similar to Facebook's homepage...

How can I prepend a `SS:` or `ES:` using AT&T Assembly Syntax

How can I prepend a SS: or ES: using AT&T Assembly Syntax without adding in a .byte 0x36 or .byte 0x26? ie. How would I be able to convert mov dword ptr ss:[esp+0x10], offset foo from Intel syntax to AT&T without using: .byte 0x36 movl $foo, 0x10(%esp) I have tried movl $foo, %ss:0x10(%esp) which assembles without warnings but, ...

Register 32 bit COM DLL to 64 bit Windows 7

Hi, I have a 32 bit Com Component DLL and this DLL is written by Delphi. Its a WIN32 DLL. I want to use this DLL in my Visual C# project on .NET platform. I cant add referance this DLL to project. I try to register in Command Prompt as Administrator in Windows 7 OS but ı get this error. "Check if the module is compatible with an x86 (...

how to read/write a register

I see some code which are going to read/write some peripheral registers. I see the write operations are all followed with some delays. It seems to me that SW needs to wait for the value takes effect on HW. Some web page say register will get update every clock cycle. I guess that's the reason for waiting. Well, my questions are: Does r...

2 basic computer questions

Question 1: Where exactly does the internal register and internal cache exist? I understand that when a program is loaded into main memory it contains a text section, a stack, a heap and so on. However is the register located in a fixed area of main memory, or is it physically on the CPU and doesn't reside in main memory? Does this app...

Registering custom controls fails

I am attempting to register my user controls within the webconfig file because I am receiving the Element does not exist error, but I am receiving the following error when I try to register them in webconfig: Invalid or missing attributes found in the tagPrefix entry. For user control, you must also specify 'tagName' and 'src'. For cust...

Register JavaScript from within a UserControl in ASP.NET

I declare my javascript in the design page of a usercontrol (ascx). Is there a way to register this javascript block in the Head section? I don't want to use ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock as I don't want to declare my javascript in the code-behind. I also cannot move it (entirely) into a separate file, because I use business log...

Compiler code generation--register allocation inside conditional blocks.

I'm writing a compiler for a course. I've run into some optimization issues of which I am unsure how to handle optimally. Suppose there is a while loop from the input language that uses N local variables which must be held in registers (or should be, for fast computations). Suppose N > K, the number of registers. There is a chance of the...