
Should I Keep Registering A Failure?

Hi all, I'm working on an automated regression test suite for an app which I maintain. While developing the automated regression test, I ran across some behavior that's almost certainly a bug. So, for now, I've modified the automated regression test to not register a failure--it's deliberately allowing this bad behavior to go by, I me...

Perl aids for regression testing

Is there a Perl module that allows me to view diffs between actual and reference output of programs (or functions)? The test fails if there are differences. Also, in case there are differences but the output is OK (because the functionality has changed) I want to be able to commit the actual output as future reference output. ...

Handling browser pop-up windows with Selenium

We are running Selenium regression tests against our existing code base, and certain screens in our web app use pop-ups for intermediate steps. Currently we use the commands in the test: // force new window to open at this point - so we can select it later selenium().getEval("this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open('', 'enquiryPopup')"...

Tools for sparse least squares regression

Hi, I want to do sparse high dimensional (a few thousand features) least squares regression with a few hundred thousands of examples. I'm happy to use non fancy optimisation - stochastic gradient descent is fine. Does anyone know of any software already implemented for doing this, so I don't have to write to my own? Kind regards. ...

Equations for 2 variable Linear Regression

We are using a programming language that does not have a linear regression function in it. We have already implemented a single variable linear equation: y = Ax + B and have simply calculated the A and B coefficents from the data using a solution similar to this Stack Overflow answer. I know this problem gets geometrically harder ...

Best approach to what I think is a machine learning problem

Hello.. I am wanting some expert guidance here on what the best approach is for me to solve a problem. I have investigated some machine learning, neural networks, and stuff like that. I've investigated weka, some sort of baesian solution.. R.. several different things. I'm not sure how to really proceed, though. Here's my problem. ...

Simple multidimensional curve fitting

I have a bunch of data, generally in the form a, b, c, ..., y where y = f(a, b, c...) Most of them are three and four variables, and have 10k - 10M records. My general assumption is that they are algebraic in nature, something like: y = P1 a^E1 + P2 b^E2 + P3 c^E3 Unfortunately, my last statistical analysis class was 20 years ago....

Curve Fitting 3D data set

The curve-fitting problem for 2D data is well known (LOWESS, etc.) but given a set of 3D data points, how do I fit a 3D curve (eg. a smoothing/regression spline) to this data? MORE: I'm trying to find a curve, fitting the data provided by vectors X,Y,Z which have no known relation. Essentially, I have a 3D point cloud, and need to find...

Curve fitting implementation using least square method in C++

I am trying to write C++ function perform curve fitting implementation using least square method. Input parameters of this function are x and y 1D array and n. And this function finds the coefficients of a polynomial p(x) of degree n that fits the data, p(x(i)) to y(i), in a least squares sense. Therefore, function will return coeffic...

Is there any tool for regression model?

I need to derive the linear/Quadratic equation from the set of examples. Is there any tool available? ...

m-estimate for continuous values

I'm building a custom regression tree and want to use m-estimate for pruning. Does anyone know how to calculate that. might help (slide 12, how should Em look like?) ...

Multivariate mapping / regression with objective function

Overview I have a multivariate timeseries of "inputs" of dimension N that I want to map to an output timeseries of dimension M, where M < N. The inputs are bounded in [0,k] and the outputs are in [0,1]. Let's call the input vector for some time slice in the series "I[t]" and the output vector "O[t]". Now if I knew the optimal mapping ...

Occurrence prediction

I'd like to know what method is best suited for predicting event occurrences. For example, given a set of data from 5 years of malaria infection occurrences and several other factors that affect the occurrences, I'd like to predict the next five years for malaria infection occurrences. What I thought of doing was to derive a kind of occ...

Multiple regression in Python

Hello, I am currently using scipy's linregress function for single regression. I am unable to find if the same library, or another, is able to do multiple regression, that is, one dependent variable and more than one independent variable. I'd like to avoid R if possible. If you're wondering, I am doing FX market analysis with the goal ...

tell visual studio to create a utf-8 environment when running executables

I am using CMAKE with CTEST to run my regressions. My application is a console app which outputs in whatever encoding it is presented by it's environment (A feature of Tcl). How do I tell visual studio that when it runs my application to run it in a utf-8 environment. Right now my regression results are encoded in latin, and it makes ...

normal vector from least squares-derived plane

I have a set of points and I can derive a least squares solution in the form z = Ax + By + C. The coefficients I compute are correct but how would I get the vector normal to the plane in an equation of this form? Simply using A B and C coefficients from this equation don't seem correct as a normal vector using my test dataset. Thanks ...

How to get 95% CI in a linear regression in SAS

How do I get SAS to report the 95% CI for the parameter estimate in a linear regression (PROC GLM)? ...

R: Use VAR model to predict response to change in values of certain variables

Hi I've fitted a VECM model in R, and converted in to a VAR representation. I would like to use this model to predict the future value of a response variable based on different scenarios for the explanatory variables. Here is the code for the model: library(urca) library(vars) input <-read.csv("data.csv") ts <- ts(input[16:52,],c(200...

How do you detect outliers on multivariate data?

I am trying to do a regression problem but I have 3 independent variables and not 1 so it is hard to detect outliers from a scatter graph. Any suggestions? ...

How to do a linear regression into a BIRT report ?

Hello, How to make a linear regression on the chart displayed into your BIRT report. I have x and y data... but I don't see any function on eclipse BIRT to generate the linear regression... Any idea ? Many thanks ...