
How to set an HTTP header while using a Flex RemoteObject method ?

I am running blazeds on the server side. I would like to filter http requests using an http header. My goal is to send extra parameters to the server without changing the signatures of my blazeds services. On the client side, I am using Flex RemoteObject methods. With Flex WebService components, it is possible to set an http header us...

Creating Flash application using WebOrb Ruby/Rails

Ok, this may seem like a stupid question (for Flash Developers) but I really can't figure this out. So, I want to create somekind of an API for Flash/Flex applications so a user can use my lib in order to connect to my WebOrb Rails server. I don't have any problem with the rails part but things get a little bit difficult with the flash ...

retrieving Drupal contents from Flex using RemoteObject

I have previously used DTO in Flex which is mapped to a PHP DTO file. I used PHP through remoteobject (AMFPHP) to retrieve info from a MySQL database which is converted into the DTO type and then passed back to Flex to populate Datagrid. The data used to populate the Datagrid is an ArrayCollection of DataVO, as follows. Public Function...

remoteObject Fails After Recompiling Using CF8

I've been handed a Flex project that was originally built and compiled using Flex3 and CF7. My setup is Flex3 with CF8. Everything works fine when I initially pull the project over but as soon as I recompile, remote calls to the CFCs begin to fail. I used Charles Web Proxy debugger and discovered that the failure appears to begin with...

How Can I get Remote Objects to return XML in E4X?

Hi there. I'm writing a Flex application that makes full use of BlazeDS to a Java server. I use Remote Objects a lot, but I've come across an instance where receiving XML is cleaner and faster than returning objects. Returning XML through BlazeDS is easy enough. I'm building up the XML with Dom4j on the Java and returning the root ...

Ant Flex problem

My Cairngorm program does some preliminary authentication against a RemoteObject before allowing Cairngorm's ServiceLocator to start using the same RemoteObject to get business data. Everything works fine with Flex Builder, but I need an Ant build. The Ant mxmlc task compiles everything ok, but at runtime the resulting code fails at th...

Flex RemoteObject .Net Session Mixups

Okay, this one is REALLY weird. I'm using .net for my backend and Flex for my front end. I'm also using WebOrb.Net to manage my RemoteObject calls. When the user first opens up my Flex app I make a call back to .Net and save a few settings in a session variable so that all subsequent requests to .Net can just pull these values out of th...

Nested Class Coercion Fail Between CFC and Flex

I have two AS3 classes, A and B. Class A contains an ArrayCollection that will hold multiple instances of class B. In ColdFusion, I have matching CFCs, with same-named variables in the same order, as well as cfproperty tags for each variable. The AS3 classes both use the RemoteClass metadata to associate them with their CFC counterpa...

ActionScript RemoteObject Response Headers

Can I get the response headers from a RemoteObject request? If so, how? I am in the process of writing an application in Flex 3.3, using the Cairngorm framework, for deployment as an AIR application. The application heavily utilizes RemoteObject services to get data from a web server. Each of my service delegates extends a common class...

Flex 3 Dynamic RemoteObject Class

I have a class which I want to use throughout my projects. It essentially would allow me to easily work with a RemoteObject so that I don't have to define it throughout all of my projects. It works when not passing "args" to sendRequest(..). But when I want to call the cfc function with parameters and try passing "args" in I get the foll...

RemoteObject inconsistent channel location.

I have a swf which, for some reason, has four RemoteObjects pointing to the same ChannelId, but they are listing that channel as being at two different spots. In four of the five RemoteObjects, everything behaves as expected, but in the fourth (WidgetService), the version on dev is switching from dev.context.root to loc.context.root. T...

Flex RemoteObject - handling multiple requests

I have a couple of remote object methods that I want to respond to in different ways depending on the context, but I'd rather not set up a bunch of different RemoteObject aliases. Any advice on doing that? Some background: Let's say I have an admin application that displays sales stats in different ways. The remote method looks like:...

GZIP and RemoteObject

Hi, In AIR application, is there any way I can tell a RemoteObject to send headers that will accept Gzipped content back from server ? I'm using Zend Amf, and it's pretty slow. So I'm telling Apache to gzip amf content, but if the client doesn't send headers accepting gzipped content this will never work. Any idea ? ...

Flex remote object performance

Our flex client needs to invoke server side EJB3 session bean. For each module we have seperate session bean. Whether it is best to have separate flex end point (remote object) to each session bean to invoke methods or to create a single facade session bean as an endpoint and invoke other session bean methods through this facade bean. ...

Flex RemoteObject Source not found

Our flex project, which works fine in its current environment with coldfusion 7 single server. We moved this project to Coldfusion 8 multi server, and updated the remoteobject paths relative to the web root. The error we now receive is faultCode:Server.Processing faultString:'Unable to invoke CFC - Could not find the ColdFusion Comp...

AS3 Date not serializing to Java Date using BlazeDS

When I pass a Actionscript Value Object that contains a Date variable using BlazeDS it is not getting transferring as a java.util.Date object correctly. When the setBaseDatefunction gets called on the Java side the baseDate value is NULL. The weird thing is if I rename the variable on the Java side to private Date date; and create a pu...

Python 3 xmlrpc for remote objects.

I am trying to implement a remote object implementation using xmlrpc, and python 3. I have tried the example at, but it only works to and from localhost, how can I get it to work to and from internal IPs? ...

Flex 4 Remote Object Method Question

I post this previously in Adobe Forum but haven't got any answers so far. How do I do this in Flex 4? <mx:RemoteObject id="srv" destination="product" channelSet="{channelSet}" fault="faultHandler(event)"> <mx:method name="getProducts" result="getProducts_resultHandler(event)"/> </mx:RemoteObject> I got Could not resolve <s:...

WebOrb/Flex: How to call a method on a RemoteClass returned by a RemoteObject

I have a RemoteObject returning a 'Schedule' class. I've created a client side RemoteClass to map to it. All properties of the class instance are coming in fine. I just not clear on how I go about calling methods on the class. How would I call a setter on startdate? package classes.remote { [Bindable] [RemoteClass(alias...

Flex RemoteObject: Arrays with same values reference same memory

If I send remote data from Zend_Amf to Flex, if two array properties on the object have the same data values they are deserialized at the remote end with the same memory storage. Example: AS3 object: Snippet: [RemoteClass(alias="TestVO")] public class TestVO { public var test1:Array; public var test2:Array; } When this receives ...