
Best practices for writting PowerShell scripts for local and remote usage

What are some of the best practices for writting scripts that will execute in a remote context? For instance, I just discovered that built-in var $Profile doesn't exist during remote execution. ...

On Windows XP - how do I use PowerShell background jobs which require windows authentication

I'm trying to run some funtions in the background of a PoSh script. The job never completes, but works fine when called normall. I've narrowed the problem down to the following line: This line works fine: $ws = New-WebServiceProxy "http://host/Service?wsdl" -UseDefaultCredential but this line blocks forever start-job { New-WebServi...

NHibernate + Remoting = ReflectionPermission Exception

Hi all, We are dealing with a problem when using NHibernate with Remoting in a machine with full trust enviroment (actually that's our dev machine). The problem happens when whe try to send as a parameter an object previously retrieved from the server, that contains a NHibernate Proxy in one of the properties (a lazy one). As we are i...

Remote objects activation doubt

If two clients do Activation.GetObject, using the Singleton approach, and the same address, are they going to get the same instance of the class? Or will each client get a different instance? ...

Is MarshalByRefObject special?

.NET has a thing called remoting where you can pass objects around between separate appdomains or even physical machines. I don't fully understand how the magic is done, hence this question. In remoting there are two base ways of passing objects around - either they can be serialized (converted to a bunch of bytes and the rebuilt at the...

Dispatching generic tasks in WCF or .Net Remoting

Hello all, I've been researching for a couple days on and off, and have yet to figure out the best way to achieve the following goal. I would like to define either an interface or abstract class in C# which has an associated Run method, similar to the Java runnable interface. The goal would be to have a shared queue which contains a l...

Testing for interface implementation in WCF/SOA

I have a reporting service that implements a number of reports. Each report requires certain parameters. Groups of logically related parameters are placed in an interface, which the report then implements: [ServiceContract] [ServiceKnownType(typeof(ExampleReport))] public interface IService1 { [OperationContract] void Process(...

Start with remoting or with WCF

Hi. I'm just starting with distributed application development. I need to create (all by myself) an enterprise application for document management. That application will run on an intranet (within the firewall, no internet access is required now, BUT is probably that will be later). The application needs to manage images that will be s...

How to specify a server configuration for a flex project with remoting

For projects with local standalone Tomcat server we can specify the context root, root folder etc in the server configuration window. My confusion is how do we know the path if the server is running from eclipse. I am creating the flex project in flex builder stand alone and the java project in eclipse. ...

Launch command on remote Windows machine, given admin credentials

I have a Windows Server 2008 instance on Amazon EC2 (Amazon's cloud compute platform, which provides VMs in the cloud). It has an external IP, and I have an admin account on the box. I would like to 'bootstrap' this instance remotely i.e. I want to run commands to download, install and configure apps on it, all without having to log on e...

Architecture decision for client-server communication protocol

This question is pretty generic actually, but I'm really having trouble finding a good answer or example of how it should be done. We are writing a simple multi-user collaborative web browsing application and we are having some issues deciding what to use for a communication protocol. We are developing in C# under Mono, hoping to event...

Unable to access Remoting object members when hosting in Windows Service

I have what I thought was a simple .NET Remoting Client/Server (Code Below)... When hosting/running in a Console application it works fine, but when hosted in a Windows Service, all calls to members of proxies returned from Activator.GetObject result in a NullReferenceException. To simplify things I placed all this in a single Console a...

Properties in Remoting

Server: Host h = new Host(); h.Name = "JARR!!"; TcpChannel channel = new TcpChannel(8080); ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(channel); RemotingConfiguration.RegisterWellKnownServiceType(typeof(Host), "Server", WellKnownObjectMode.Singleton); Client: TcpChannel chan = new TcpChannel(); ChannelServices.Register...

.NET Remoting switching channels by itself.

Hi. We are having an odd problem with .NET Remoting. Basically, we have a server which registers two TcpChannels with ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(): one listens on port 50000, the other one listens on port 15000. We then have a client that registers a TcpChannel to be able to communicate with the server. We retrieve a an object from...

How to determine if object in another AppDomain has gone

I instantiate an object of some class in other ApDomain using CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(). I can determine if this object resides in other domain by using RemotingServices.IsTransparentProxy(). But can I determine if the real remote object has gone away (e.g. was garbage collected) without probing a call on proxy and catching RemotingExcep...

Powershell Remoting: using imported module cmdlets in a remote pssession

Is there a way to use modules that were imported in a local session in a remote session? I looked at import-pssession, but I don't know how to get the local session. Here's a sample of what I want to do. import-module .\MyModule\MyModule.ps1 $session = new-pssession -computerName RemoteComputer invoke-command -session $session -scriptbl...

Permission denied: cannot call non-public or static methods remotely.

Ok I've found a solution to this particular error message on here already. But my case is slightly different. There are no "non-public" or "static" methods in my code. All are public. What I'm trying to do is pass a FrameworkElement (more specifically a web browser control) that was created in one process over to another process for disp...

Has anybody ever created a Flash RIA with Java server on the side?

We are trying to create Flash online game) Can you help me to choose the best way to communicate this two technology? Now I have chosen BlazeDS, but I am not sure, mb XML socket, or anything else..... ...

Unable to read data from the transport connection: the connection was closed

The exception is Remoting Exception - Authentication Failure. The detailed message says "Unable to read data from the transport connection: the connection was closed." I'm having trouble with creating two simple servers that can comunicate as remote objects in C#. ServerInfo is just a class I created that holds the IP and Port and can g...

Has inheritance become bad?

Personally, I think inheritance is a great tool, that, when applied reasonably, can greatly simplify code. However, I seems to me that many modern tools dislike inheritance. Let's take a simple example: Serialize a class to XML. As soon as inheritance is involved, this can easily turn into a mess. Especially if you're trying to serializ...