
Why is this View Model being populated when I pass "" into RenderAction?

I'm trying to implement a Widget control that exists on every page in the system, which will allow the user to have basic Search & Directory functionality available on each page. This is a tab control defined below, where in the <ul> the currently selected tab is determined by the the value in Model.CurrentTab and the corresponding conte...

The call is ambiguous between the following method or properties in ASP.NET MVC RenderAction

The call was working fine until I installed ASP.NET MVC 1.0 RTM. Error: CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties code snippet <%Html.RenderAction("ProductItemList", "Product"); %> Action Method public ActionResult ProductItemList() { return View("~/Views/Product/ProductItemList.ascx", _repository....

Html.RenderAction using AJAX

Is it possible to use HTMl.RenderAction using ajax to provide the parameter? I have a controller action like this [ChildActionOnly] Public ActionResult EmployeeData(string id) { Employee employee = new Employee(); //do work to get data Return PartialView(employee); } The partial view is just a small table with some empl...

How can I get Html.RenderAction to call the Get method on a Post?

After rendering a view on a Post, a call to RenderAction inside the view will call for the Post method. Is there any way to specify I want to call the Get method instead of the Post? ...

What's the current practice for partial caching in ASP MVC2?

My website pages are composed of two kinds of content. The first is variable between users but constant for all pages. The second is constant across users, but variable between pages. This is a common layout. What is the best way to apply output caching to content like this? As I understand it, the Html.Substitute helper is incompatible...