
Getting image from hyperlink and not from folder to populate my Repeater Control

Instead of populating my Repeater with pictures from a folder in my project i want to polulate it with a link to where the image is like so.............. What code changes must i make to let my code look at my hyperlink for the image and not the "pics" folder? My Page Load protected void ... repeater, scroll 3 at a time

I have a list of data that I need to display in a web page 3 at a time The first needs to be displayed in a div called "left" , the second in a div called "centre" and the third in a div called "right". And I need to be able to scroll through the data with a pager. And so the next 3 results will be displayed in a similar way, and so on...

Populating Nested Repeater Drop Downs C# .NET Linq

I have nested repeaters that create a table with each cell consisting of 3 drop downs. I set the selected value of the drop downs by looping through the repeaters and assigning them to the result of a linq statement. The number and characteristic drop downs work fine, but the make drop downs all get set to the last value assigned. Doe...

ASP.NET Repeater control or custom implementation?

Hallo, Recently I have read a couple of posts on varous sites and blogs that ASP.NET Repeater one of the most commonly used and accepted between experienced programmers. Someone actually wrote that he consider the programmer better if he mentions that he often use this control in a job interview. The fact that I used it rarely ...

Retrieve DataItem from RepeaterItem after databinding (during an event handler)

I'm trying to find a way to to do something that I think must be possible but I'm just missing the point on - so hopefully someone can give me a bit of a nudge :) I'm utilising databinding in ASP.NET (viewstate turned off - so using controlstate for a few things here and there) to render a repeater (repeaterPriceClasses) that has a repe...

Changing my Repeater DataSource when there are no items.

I want to place a image with the text "NO IMAGE" in my Repeater when there is no image. What changes must i make in order to achieve this? I want my Repeater datasource to point to an image inside my IMAGE folder in my root directory. My Page Load If Not IsPostBack Then Dim sBasePath As String = System.Web.HttpContext....

Implementing a functional link in a Repeater control.

I am implementing a Repeater in my web application to display data. I want to add functional action links in a column similar to the built-in functionality in a GridView. Can anybody give me the steps required? I assume I will add a LinkButton control to each row, somehow set the OnClick event handler to point to the same method, and ...

Placing a variable from my Code Behind inside Repeater Control for NavigateUrl.

This is my Repeater <asp:Repeater ID="blogRepeater" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <br /> <asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" Height="56px" ImageUrl='<%= string.Format( My_Variable) %>' Width="64px" /> <asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink2" runat=server NavigateUr...

Using checkboxes with ASP.NET and Javascript

I have Javascript code that does this: var oObjchbox = document.getElementById("CheckBox_" + countyId); The countyId comes from an image map that is pre-made. The checkboxes on the other hand are created by ASP.NET. My first try was to use an asp.repeater with asp:checkBox, but that did not do the trick since ASP.NET insists on crea...

Adding column functionality to a Custom Repeater

Hi, I'm trying to extend a custom repeater I have in order to display in a tabular fashion (reasonably similar to a Gridview). What I'm conceptually looking to achieve is to get to something that can be applied in the following way: <my:customrepeater id="rpt" runat="server"> <cols> <col Header="ID">##ID##</col> <co...

How to access to the elements properties inside a Repeater?

Hi, I have a Repeater control who has its dataSource setted with a typed object list and in the inline code I want to access to its elements properties inside the ItemTemplate tag. I tried this with the eval expression but it does not work: <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td><%# Eval("code") %></td> <td><%# Eval("description") %></td> ...

Any way to shorten or simplify the item template markup for a repeater control?

Is there a way to shorten the markup for this repeater? I am binding a DataTable to this repeater. It bothers me because ((System.Data.DataRowView)Container.DataItem) is repetitive and makes the markup less readable especially when you have more fields. I am using .Net 3.5 C# WebForms. MVC is not an option. Thanks. <asp:Repeater ID...

CustomValidator in a Repeater

I have a custom validator inside a repeater <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="lstRepeater" > <ItemTemplate> <asp:CustomValidator ID="cvValid" runat="server" CssClass="error" EnableClientScript="False" ErrorMessage="Invalid."></asp:CustomValidator> <asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="tbCustomAnswer"></asp:TextBox> </It...

.Net Repeater equivalent for a single object?

Hi, Could someone try to recommend the best cause of action to solve the request below: I have created a number of extended classes using the Repeater class as a Base and love the flexibility, the ease and the results of doing this. What I want to to do now is to make a similar Custom Web Control for a single object (i.e the DataSource...

How do I access datasource fields in an Repeaters ItemDataBound event?

Hi I have a Repeater control that is being bound to the result of a Linq query. I want to get the value of one of the datasource's fields in the ItemDataBound event, but I'm not sure how to do this. Regards Peter ...

Repeater ChildControls ItemTemplate ViewState Persistence

Hi, I try to create a ItemTemplate for my Repeater with a tree of child controls inside an ItemTemplate. The problem is I can't find a way to persist all my controls. Each time that there is a postback, my controls are lost. I tried many things but I didn't find a way. Is anybody can help me? Here is the code that I use : Here where ...

ASP.NET repeater alternate row highlighting without full blown <alternatingitemtemplate/>

I'm trying to accomplish simply adding a css class to a div on alternate rows in my <itemtemplate/> without going to the overhead of including a full blown <alternatingitemtemplate/> which will force me to keep a lot of markup in sync in the future. I've seen a solution such as

Whats a good way to bind a repeater to a List<Person>?

If I have a List < Person > where person is defined by the class class Person { string Forename { get;set; } string Surname { get; set; } } And I bind it to an asp repeater control that looks like this: <asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="lblForename" ru...

Is there a feature compatible alternative to asp:ListView?

Is there a feature compatible alternative to the asp:ListView control that came with ASP.NET 3.5? Due to some recent issues with a certain hosting provider's installation of SP1, I'm looking for a temporary stand in for the ListView that can be dropped into place with minimal change to the rest of my code. One simple alternative would b...

ASP.NET: Repeater control inside a Gridview row.

Hi, I want a Repeater control inside a Gridview row. So how can I assign the DataSource of the Repeater control so that the data it uses is that of the specific data of the GridView row? I tried this: DataSource='<%# Eval(Container, "DataItem.InnerVal") but it does not work. ...