
Problem with pagedatasource

public PagedDataSource GetPage(int index) { PagedDataSource pageddatasrc = new PagedDataSource(); //pageddatasrc.AllowCustomPaging = true; // pageddatasrc.AllowServerPaging = true; pageddatasrc.AllowPaging = true; pageddatasrc.DataSource = ODatasource;//where ODatasource is EntitiesCol...

Server controls in an repeater

Hi all.. Seems like I've ran into a wall here. I want some datasource to be bound to an repeater (well, doesn't have to be a repeater, but it seems like that's what I want). Now, here's the catch: I also need some server-controls inside that repeater for updating the data (TextBox'es and buttons). To my understanding, this aint...

ASP.NET Repeater

Hello, I'm not familiar with the repeater control. I have two columns in the repeater, quantity and sku. On button click, I want to loop through the rows in the repeater and pass in each quantity and sku into a method. How do you get this information in a repeater? ...

Change value of databound control within Repeaters in C#

Hey SO, I have a nested repeater control that displays a list of data, in my case it is an FAQ list. here is the design portion: <asp:Repeater ID="lists" runat="server"> <ItemTemplate> <h2 class="sf_listTitle"><asp:Literal ID="listTitle" runat="server"></asp:Literal></h2> <p class="sf_controlListItems"> ...

Can't find control within repeater?

I have the following repeater below and I am trying to find lblA in code behind and it fails. Below the markup are the attempts I have made: <asp:Repeater ID="rptDetails" runat="server"> <HeaderTemplate> <table> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <tr> <td><strong>A:</strong></td> <td><as...

Why is a label only accessible through the repeaters OnItemDataBound event?

If I have a label inside an itemtemplate of a repeater, the label is null if I try to access it via repeater.Items[0].FindControl("label"). In fact, Items is 0 even though I have 1 itemtemplate. It isn't until I use the OnItemDataBound event that I can find the control via the e argument. I am curious as to why I need to use the OnIte...

How do I set the text of a child DIV inside a repeater?

I have a repeater containing the following HTML snippet: <div id='parent'> <div id='child1'/> <div id='child2'> <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> </div> </div> I would like to select the div tagged "parent" using a function inside script.js and set the inner HTML of the div with id "child1"....

Anonymous type in Repeater DataBound event

Hi All I'm setting the DataSource of an ASP.NET repeater as follows: rptTargets.DataSource = from t in DB.SalesTargets select new { t.Target, t.SalesRep.RepName }; Now, in the repeater's OnDataBound event, how can I retrieve the RepName and Target properties from the anonymous type contained in e.Item.DataItem? Many Thanks ...

Creating a nested repeater control dynamically

Hi, I was wondering how we can create nested repeater control dynamically? I want to display Customers Sales Orders Quantity in a nested repeater control. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks ...

Programatically creating nested repeater control

Hello I have dynamically created repeater control as per the msdn article below I am gerenerating the control in tap panel. How do I create nested repeater dynamically. Please help. I know how to create in the aspx page but I want to know how I cna create a nested repeater programa...

Flex - Repeater Component with Grid Layout

I have a randomly-sized array of items. I'd like to display one label for each item in a Repeater component. I want them to display in a grid layout with 5 columns and as many rows as needed. How do I do that in Flex / ActionScript? Maybe there's another way to do it that I haven't seen yet, so any suggestion are appreciated. Thanks...

Checkbox state in itemupdating event of listview

I have a listview displaying our current projects. In the itemediting event handler of the listview, I have a number of checkboxes that are being rendered using nested repeaters. After rendering, I loop through all checkboxes and set the correct state based on data retrieved from the DB. The idea is that I can check or uncheck any of t...

Binding datasource to a repeater in

hi guys, I have a repeater which contain thumbviewer.I used following code to bind repeater Dim files As IList(Of FileInfo) = New List(Of FileInfo)() Dim dtDoc As DataTable = objdoc.GetDocDetails(Session("RegID")) Dim filters As String = "*.jpg;*.png;*.gif" For Each filter As String In fi...

Change an ASP.NET control's properties in a Repeater control

My question is fairly simple. This is what I have for the aspx page: <ul> <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="linksList" OnItemDataBound="linksList_OnItemDataBound" > <ItemTemplate> <li><asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="link" /></li> </ItemTemplate> </asp:Repeater> </ul> I'm trying to get a list of hyperlinks from...

ASP.NET change a Repeater's DataSource without a postback?

I have a repeater that displays some data from a SQL query: <asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="damQuickList" OnItemDataBound="damQuickList_OnItemDataBound"> <HeaderTemplate> <ul> </HeaderTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <li><asp:HyperLink runat="server" ID="damAnchor" /></li> </ItemTemplate> <FooterTemplate> ...

Implementing pageing using MVP

Does anyone have any recomendation on how to implement pageing in ASP.NET webforms when applying the MVP pattern? I'm wondering where to put the paging the view or in the presenter? Also a neet way to implement pageing in ASP.NET is to use the PagedDataSource control... would it be correct to use that from a presenter or would...

How can i do an if statement inside a repeater

<asp:Repeater> is driving me mad.. I need to do <ItemTemplate> <% if (Container.DataItem("property") == "test") {%> I show this HTML <% } else { %> I show this other HTML <% } %> </ItemTemplate> But I can't for the life of me find any way to make that happen. Ternary isnt any good, because the amount of HT...

ASP.Net repeater Item Command not getting fired

OK, I've used repeaters literally hundreds of times without problems but something has gone awry today. I have a repeater and I'm subscribing to the itemCommand event, but when my command runs, the page posts back but the event isn't fired. To get around this I'm having to do my databinding on each postback. My repeater looks like thi...

repeater string not allowed

I have a text file which contains lines of string for example: a, b, c, d, e, d t, e, rt, q, r, e, t, w, d, t I need to make sure that in each line I read from a file, no repeater character or string is allowed.I need to check and make sure there is no repeater character in each line.So how would I check that? I'm thinking of creati... radio button grouping

I am currently having an issue with radio buttons and grouping. I have an asp radio button within a repeater control. I have the group name attribute set to "Customer". When the page loads, the radio buttons are not grouped. Instead of the id fields being set to the group name, it is setting the value fields of the radio buttons. I know ...