
SSRS report fit in PDF

Hi, What is the best way to make the SSRS reporr fit in to PDF page. Thanks, Anna ...

How to get color combination compatible to both Excel and SSRS

Hi, Can any one let me know How to get color combination compatible to both Excel and SSRS Thanks in advance ...

Is there a way to change the sql reporting chart type and sub type at runtime?

Is there a way to change SQL Reporting "chart type" and "sub type" at runtime? I'm working with a .rdlc report and can't seem to figure out the way to change this at runtime. I don't have the "Expression" ability in either of these fields. ...

SSRS Expression Evaluation Issue

I'm having an issue with expressions within reports. I'm coloring the background of a textbox within a table depending on the value within it. The text in the field relates to backups for a SQL Server. The value is either a date or the text "Not Yet Taken". If the date is more than 2 days old, I want the background to be yellow. If ...

Report Viewer (SSRS 2005) Not rendering correctly with update to .Net 3.5

I'm having an issue with the SSRS 2005 report viewer no longer rendering correctly in the browser. We updated the application that calls the report to use the .Net 3.5 framework and are calling the report from the app via a URL to the report server. The report generates correctly and the layout is fine, the only issue is the report view...

Design of Reporting Services for Java webapp

A design question. I have developed an online test engine web app earlier this year. I have used Java servlets and Freemarker templates and done it entirely following the MVC paradigm. One big missing feature in the application is that it provides no reporting. The initial design of the application did not consider reporting as part o...

Reporting Services 403 error

Hi all, I've recently updated an application to the 3.5 framework (from 2.0). The app links to Reporting Services (2005) remotely via an URL. This all works fine locally but when deployed to the dev server (win 2003) I'm getting a 403 error when attempting to call the report server. "You are not authorized to view this page ... HTTP ...

Windows Authentication for remote reporting services

I have a ASP.NET web application that I use to display MS reports using a Report Viewer. The reports are sitting on a remote server. I need to use windows authentication to connect to the reporting services, as I need to display the reports based on who is logged on the web application. I've searched on the net for a solution,but couldn...

Forms Authentication / Reporting Services - Getting the Username

From what variable can you pick up the username from Forms Authentication in Microsoft SQL Reporting Services? The User!UserId value comes back as the Windows Account that reporting services is running under. ...

How to display reporting services record set in a collection of textboxes

Hi I have a recordset that contains only 1 record but I need to display the result (10 fields) in 2 columns with matching label the textbox doesn't have a datasetname property. how can i display 10 fields in 2 columns ? ...

SSRS different results in Data tab and Preview tab

I get the correct results (nov and dec data) when I run a query in the Data tab of a report that I built in SQL Server Reporting Services. When I preview the report I get old data from October. It doesn't make any sense to me. I'm not sure whats going on. Note: the data is in Oracle. Here's the date filter I'm using receipt_date + ...

Sql reports 2008 error

Hello guys I am running some code too setup my report parameters but I am getting the following error in Visual Studio 2008: "Client found response content type of '', but expected 'text/xml'.\r\nThe request failed with an empty response." System.Exception {System.InvalidOperationException} Thios only happened recently, I assume it is ...

ReportViewer Client Print Control "Unable to load client print control"?

Has anyone come across this issue? Seems MS have broken it with their own update: A number of people have reported problems using the ActiveX print control in the report viewer after installing Microsoft Update 956391. Specifically, users receive the error "Unable to load client print control" when clicking on the print...

SSRS Performance

I Have created an SSRS Report for retrieving 55000 records using a Stored Procedure.When Executing from SP it is taking just 3 Seconds but when executing from SSRS report It is taking more than one Minuits.How i can solve this problem? ...

Reporting Services Rendering format restriction

Hi, Is there any way i can restrict my rendering format to PDF for one of my report in Report Manager. Thanks, brijit ...

SQL Reporting - Can you have a group inside a group?

Hi I'm trying to produce a report that has multiple grouping but does not just show the group as the single field being grouped. I think it may be best shown with an example: > Date <- Grouped, broken by page > Meeting type <- grouped > Meeting_Time Meeting_Place Meeting_Title Meeting_Priority > Agenda_item_1 > ...

How to Install Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart?

I'm trying to use the Reporting Services Report Viewer WebPart with a project that I'm working on and I can't seem to get a clear indication on exactly where it comes from (or maybe I just don't understand?). This page indicates that it's "installed by the Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Technologies". However, I can't seem to...

Suppress the duplicate values in group, SSRS Reports

Hi, I have an SSRS report where the date should be grouped by project category the project code in the category is repeating in side the group how do I suppress the value Please help me to get an idea. Thanks,brijit ...

SQL Server Reporting Services - Report Maintenance Tools

It seems very easy to deploy new reports to a reporting server directly from visual studio, however when these are to be pushed into our web farm (where developers have no access), this either needs to be done manually, report by report, through microsoft's web front end, or into an MSI. However, from time to time we might want to recon...

How can I suppress blank pages in SQL Reports?

I have a SQL Report that insists on printing an extra blank page at the end, even though all the report items should fit on one page. I tried shortening the elements on the page that is spilling over, but no matter how much I compress them, or how much blank space is left on the first page, SRS still thinks it needs to take up another p...