
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException WITHOUT Response.Redirect call

Hi folks, I have an ASP.NET program which is launching this exception, apparently randomly. I've seen other questions about this exceptions, and everyone says that's a problem of Response.Redirect. However, I'm not using a Response.Redirect call neither a Response.End, so I have no idea what's happening here. However, I have a supposit...

Response.Redirect in Application_AuthenticateRequest RawUrl

Hi, I am using a Response.Redirect in global.asax.cs. When the page loads the RawUrl property contains an encoded directory of some kind. "/(F(D7zFAWNl_SpT-cuyRXksIZnvwBB_bYfBl3ens83McZjPg9zLBvcjvik6FkwBNhnjeK-faeUt6PUYOZSsYXKdg4hi4IDPTDO5diQf693NLpw1))/Integration/Workflow.aspx" Where does this horrible directory come from? It's brea...

Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack.

Hi all, i am getting error "Unable to evaluate expression because the code is optimized or a native frame is on top of the call stack." i have redirected to a new page in repeater's itemcommand event. Error coming at line : string url = "~/Galleries/AlbumImageList.aspx?UId=" + this.UserId.ToString() + "&AlbumId=" + e.CommandArgume...

Screen Flicker On Response.redirect

Hi I have an issue where the screen goes white for a millisecond on a redirect when rendering the new page. This causes the screen to flicker and annoys me so. I have had a little scoot round the web and have found this IE solution which works on IE however it does not on chrome or FireFox. <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="b...

ASP.NET - Avoid hardcoding paths

I'm looking for a best practice solution that aims to reduce the amount of URLs that are hard-coded in an ASP.NET application. For example, when viewing a product details screen, performing an edit on these details, and then submitting the changes, the user is redirected back to the product listing screen. Instead of coding the followin...

how to redirect guest to guest.aspx from login..

I have an administrator and a guest user... When the administrator logs in he should be redirected to the default.aspx but if the guest logs in he should be redirected to the guest.aspx page... Currently it is being redirected to Default.aspx... here is my code web.config authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="Login.aspx"...

Redirecting Facebook 'offline_access' permission page

I am trying to get users' permission for 'offline_access' in an iFrame Facebook application coded with the Facebook Java API. I understand that I need to obtain an 'indefinite session key' after the users approves my application. Currently, I can accomplish what I want, but in a very awkward way that is probably not correct. There must b...

Best practice for URL redirection in ASP.NET web application

I have an asp page (Default.aspx) that displays the diff between two text files. It contains two drop down lists (ID="File1" and "File2" respectively) and a button (ID="Submit"). It also contains a Literal control with ID "Result". The contents of the list button are populated based on the files present in the physical application pat...

querystring picking up last row in table and not specified row.

i have created a table with 2 fields in as follows - Do While SqlDR.Read() TR = New HtmlTableRow TD = New HtmlTableCell TD.InnerHtml = SqlDR("name") TR.Cells.Add(TD) TB.Rows.Add(TR) Loop SqlDR.Close() Data looks lik...

Why/when are session writes vulnerable to thread termination?

THE CODE: Session["foo"] = "bar"; Response.Redirect("foo.aspx"); THE PROBLEM: When foo.aspx reads "foo" from the session, it's not there. The session is there, but there's no value for "foo". I've observed this intermittently in our production environment. But I don't mean here to ask a question about Response.Redirect(). THE E...

Redirected Page has Some Problem

Hi, i have one project. In this i used session for logged user. If i open a popup window and waited upto session expire. Then i got one error page that describing about the session expiration and redirect to the login page. but the login page open in the same popup window. My requirement is to open the login page in Main window. ...

Why is Page_Load not firing after coming back from another page using ASP.NET - ergo epic embarrassment :)

Let's say I have two pages on the same ASP.NET C# WebSite. Page1.aspx does things in the Page_Load event I navigate to Page2.aspx using the menu Page2.aspx does some things then Response.Redirect back to Page1.aspx Page1.aspx cannot do things in Page_Load event this time because it never fires. I tried to turn off cache declarativel...

Relative Path with Response.AddHeader

I am running a timer and performing a redirect after a user changes his or her password (AKA, notify them that the password was changed and then send them back to the home page). However, I can't seem to do a relative path in the code below. Listed below is what I'd like to do: Response.AddHeader("REFRESH", "2;URL="~/pages/home.aspx")...

how do I return to the same exact page after posting a form?

I'm posting data to a page called process.aspx that handles some business logic with the following code: <%@ Page Language="C#" %> <% MyData.process(Request); Response.Redirect("") %> this page I will be calling from a variety of pages. Is there some way of knowing from which page my form was submitted? I was thinking somethi... Response.Redirect Error

My team and I are working on a portal applicaiton. When a user requests a page, we get a page object (contianing permissions, actual file to use and what not). We then do a Response.Redirect to "~/Default.aspx". The crazy thing is that when the code to validate access and what not is called from a button click event from within an aja...

When is it safe to do a Response.Redirect() without throwing an exception?

I have an intermediary class extending System.Web.UI.Page for all of my pages that require authentication. The class mostly does custom authentication handling. When a user with insufficient access attempts to visit a page, I try to redirect the user back to the login page while preventing any further page events from being executed (ie...

classic asp - response.redirect and response.write problem

Hi People, The problem if someone types into the search box a location it goes through to that location page but if they type in a location thats not found or they dont type anything in I need it to redirect back to the homepage (index.asp) and display "whoops we couldnt find that" in the search box (input field) This is the vb Ca...

Response.Redirect not firing due to code to prevent re-submission

I have an event which needs to contact some third party providers before performing a redirect (think 'final payment page on ecommerce site') and hence has some lag associated with its processing. It is very important that these third party providers are not contacted more than once, and sometimes impatient users may try and refresh the ...

Using ASP.NET Redirect without string URL?

For instance, what I have right now is the following: Page.Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", false); Needing to hardcode the string just seems odd to me. The Default.aspx page is already in my project. So is there a way to do the redirect something like the following: Page.Response.Redirect(Default.aspx, false); Where Default.asp...

ASP.NET Response.Redirect Max URL Length

I'm looking at creating a simple URL shortening service for our corporate intranet, and I'm curious if anyone knows if there's a maximum length for URLs returned by ASP.NET's Response.Redirect method? ...