
REST based HTTP API - should I use WCF?

I would like to code a REST based HTTP API which is accessible from .NET and any other language like for example Python. Should I use WCF for this? Or will that make the other languages harder to interop with my API? I want the server to carry no state at all, and I want to be able to take advantage of HTTP persistent connections becau...

implementing an API system to an Uploading system

Hi, I have a upload system , where one can upload images, I want to implement an simple API system, where they can make a POST request, and get the result in simple xml. I currently handle the upload via a php script which has a form, where users can browse and upload the file,the script then redirects to a page where they can get the...

Great difficulty interacting with a RESTful storage server via Ruby

I am using an S3-like storage server EMC called ATMOS. I have tried to access this server following examples in both the multipart-post gem and the rest_client gem. The only response I am ever able to receive is "400 - bad request". The server is active and my headers at least appear to be in order. I just don't know where to turn to ...

Does scalatra use circumflex behind the scenes?

Does scalatra use circumflex behind the scenes (or vise versa)? What are the key differences between them, and which one would you use? Both frameworks are inspired by Sinatra and from a glance look identical. Request routing with scalatra: class ScalatraExample extends ScalatraServlet { get("/date/:year/:month/:day") { <ul> <...

For a REST service, is more secure than

I'm considering what base URL to use for a REST web service. I have the option of using one of the following formats: I'd like to make it both easy to use from client-side javascript apps and secure against forged request attacks. Is there a best practice to follow here? ...

Do REST API URLs have to look like this?

Is it true that to implement a RESTful API, one has to implement a URL structure that looks like this where the /123 would be used for edit, delete Another way to ask the question is: can a URL that looks like this be called RESTful?

Difficulty understanding the Golden Seven Restful Actions

I was looking at the Golden 7 Restful Actions viz. Index New Delete Update Create Edit Show Now, I'm totally confused and not really sure if all of these are exclusive? For instance, what is the difference between Index and Show, New and Create or Edit and Update? Are they essentially the same? Does that mean, we have just 4 golden ac...

Good URI design for logged in user specific resources

Hi, I wish to build up a website that follows the RESTful architecture. In my site, each user is identified by a permanent username and may manage their own settings. For the settings resource, I'm torn between two URI designs. Option 1: /users/{username}/settings Here is a generic settings resource URL pattern. Only the logged in use...

Getting around base64 encoding with WCF

I'm using WCF, REST and "pretty URI's" as shown in this blog post with the Online Template for VS 2010 .NET 4.0: I have one problem though. I want to return a a raw byte[] array but it automatically gets base64 encoded. Unfortunately for my program ...

Silverlight: Difficulty with WebClient

I'm having a really weird issue. I must be doing something really obvious that is wrong, but I can't see it. I'm building a wp7 app which currently runs in the emulator. I have a URL that returns JSON. I visit this URL in my browser and verify that it works. I get the data from this URL in Silverlight using WebClient. When I get the re...

Using the RESTful interface to Google's AJAX Search API for "Did you mean"?

Is it possible to get spelling/search suggestions (i.e. "Did you mean") via the RESTful interface to Google's AJAX search API? I'm trying to access this from Python, though the URL query syntax is all I really need. Thanks! ...