
Django keeps restarting itself in development mode

Django development server keeps restarting itself, without any differences made to any files under the project directory. Below is the output: den@ev:~/calisma/ > python runserver 9000 -v 2 --traceback Validating models... 0 errors found Django version 1.1.1, using settings 'myproject.settings' Development server is runnin...

Android: Service restart after preferences change

Hello, I have a Service and a PreferenceActivity that allows the user to edit some preferences. I would like to restart the Service once the user is done with the PreferenceActivity. I understand that I can register onChange listeners for individual preference changes, but I do not want to restart the Service as each preference change...

how to restart java application, remembering its command line arguments

I have a java application. It can be started with couple of command line flags. I want to provide ability "restart" the application by user. Currently we save the the arguments on a control file, reads it when restarting the application. What is the best way to restart the application - how can I retain the command line arguments? ...

Restart a WCF service after a server reboot

Is there some mechanism in WCF that can be used to "pre-start / warm-up" WCF services that are hosted in IIS ? - something like the warm-up scripts for SharePoint sites I have the situation where servers are re-booted over night and next day there is a long delay while the WCF services spin-up. I can't change the time-out in various app...

Create Task Scheduler (for running in machine restart) using MsBuild

I use VS 2008, .NEt 3.5, and MsBuild, and I need custom task MsBuild that create a "task scheduler" that it will run when the machine restarted. Anyone know any custom tasks in MsBuild Extensions or has any sample code about it ? ...

WiX CloseApplication for exe and dll

I've created a WiX setup project based on the article WiX 3 Tutorial: Understanding main WXS and WXI file mainly because it gives the WiX needed to do an application shutdown. However, I'm puzzled by the outcome. Here's the situation: We have an executable which uses a dll and create a setup which installs the executable and the dll. W...

C# system stopping tray application

I have this C# app which starts at system boot in the tray, and i have the following problem with it, only on Windows XP I can't restart the PC while the application is running. If I use file > exit, it stops ok and then i can restart. but if i try restarting with the application open, it just won't do it I tried adding this in the mai...

How many times, and within what time interval, before Android stops restarting appWidget?

I have a problem in the field where my app widget stops working (display does not update on its AlarmManager timer-pop). I don't have logs for the occurrence, so I am trying to test for the condition that the process dies, but restarts. I then found out that if I die too frequently, then Dalvik does a force stop which is exactly the be...

Rolling restart of process group in monit

Does anyone have any suggestions of how I might go about achieving a rolling restart of a process group using monit? Thanks in advance, fturtle ...

MySQL keeps restarting

Here is the error log: 100825 10:44:25 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './kaiaxco_cdb228/c_campaign_data' is marked as crashed and should be repaired 100825 10:44:25 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './kaiaxco_cdb228/c_campaign_data' is marked as crashed and should be repaired 100825 10:44:51 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './kaiaxco_cd...

how to monitor python wsgi server,when it crashed restart it

i have a wsgi server which use paste,for some unkonw reason,it will often crash,so i want to has a application or just some package can help me to slove this,when it crashed automaticly kill the process and restart it.Any advice is welcome. ...

Python shell is restarted every time when a new module is run

I use Python 3.1 inside Windows XP and when I try to use more than one module at the same time, the Python shell restarts. What can I do? This is my module class Benutzer(object): def __init__(self,benutzer): = benutzer = None def setzeEmail(self, adresse): ...

linux python - can a program call itself?

I have a python program that runs a cell model continuously. when I press "A" or "B" certain functions are called - cell divide, etc. when the "esc" key is pressed the simulation exits. Is there a way for the program to exit and then restart itself when "esc" is pressed? ...

restart iterator on exceptions in Scala

I have an iterator (actually a Source.getLines) that's reading an infinite stream of data from a URL. Occasionally the iterator throws a when there is a connection problem. In such situations, I need to re-connect and re-start the iterator. I want this to be seamless so that the iterator just looks like a normal itera...

My PC keeps restarting!!

Hello guys, I have this wiered issue for a month from now, I sometimes have troubles trying to initiate the PC to work, it has XP on it, and it loads the progress bar then a power failure occurs, and sometimes, it takes longer time to restart (i.e: I type in my username and password) then it restarts, I noticed that the Power Supply's f...