
Bidirectional (or reverse) debugging

Has anyone actually used a reversable debugger? The only product that Google turns up is UndoDB. It is for apparently for Linux only. ...

How does reverse debugging work?

GDB has a new version out that supports reverse debug (see I got to wondering how that works. To get reverse debug to work it seems to me that you need to store the entire machine state including memory for each step. This would make performance incredibly slow, not to mention usi...

Anyone tried reverse-debugging in gdb?

Has anyone tried using the new record/replay and reverse-debugging features in the newly released gdb-7.0? I am one of the gdb developer/maintainers, and I'm very eager for user feedback! ...

Debugger ignores me.

Having code: Date::Date(const char* day, const char* month, const char* year):is_leap__(false) { my_day_ = lexical_cast<int>(day); my_month_ = static_cast<Month>(lexical_cast<int>(month)); /*Have to check month here, other ctor assumes month is correct*/ if (my_month_ < 1 || my_month_ > 12) { throw std::ex...

Why aren't we all reverse debugging?

Is it me, or is reverse debugging the most amazing feature ever that no-one seems to be using or building into all or debuggers for that matter? By Reverse debugging I mean a debugger that by some means records the state of your program at every execution level and thus allows you to go backwards and forwards in time through the executi...