
Why does merging a range of revisions differ from merging them individually?

Hi, I've been trying to get my head around SVN merging/reintegrating and have read a these articles/books: I obviously haven't quite got it, as I can't see why including synched revisions in a merge back to trunk (reflective/cyc...

What does the revision in the CLR v4.0.30319 encode?

My understanding is that the revision of "50727" in the v2.0 of the CLR encodes the date of the release build: 2005-07-27. If this is true, what does the 30319 encode? Note: my information comes from a blog of a member of the CLR team. Note 2nd comment on this blog post: ...

Are there any apps that save backup versions of a file with one click (save, commit, etc) live while editing?

Just something that will save changes automatically, while i'm editing say in gedit, or notepad plus plus, or even windows text editor, etc. I can't seem to find exactly what i'm looking and SVN, BZR, and GIT are too complicated. One should be able to start a new project, start writing code, and that's it! So... I'm going to create a w...