
Rhino Security implementation for use case "user can only see entities for customers assigned to him"

We're building/designing next generation of our sales/ordering/CRM system which comprises of entities like customer (customer hierarchy in particular), order, promotion action, ... Each user of the system should have assigned one or more customers. Users should be organized in a form of organizational hierarchy. The system should con...

Integrating Rhino Security with Asp.net membership providers

How does Rhino security gel with the asp.net membership providers? The reason why I am asking is because AFAIK if I need to use attributes [Authorize] then I should be implementing or extending the asp.net membership providers. In my case as I need more than what asp.net membership provider gives me. Rhino Security is a good fit in t...

Rhino Security - Configure multiple users

Hello, I am using Rhino Security and everything works fine when I configure the security settings as follows: Security.Configure<User>(cfg, SecurityTableStructure.Prefix); However, this depends on having a single User type that implements the IUser interface whereas my application has multiple types of "User". I tried using the above ...

How do I actually use Rhino Security to secure my entities?

My question is related as to HOW and WHEN should I use the AuthorizationRepository? I guess that I should have some way in my application to maintain my user roles (user groups in rhino security terms) and the relations between users and user groups. So far so good. My problem comes when I want to give specific permissions to entities...

How to test if a fluent service method is called

I have a security rule that a newly registered user has full permissions over their own user entity. I'm using Rhino.Security and the code works fine, but I want to create a unit test to make sure the appropriate call is made to setup the permission. Here is a simplified verison of the code: public User Register(UserRegisterTask userR...

Rhino.Security; Domain vs Application Service Options

Should I consider Rhino.Security components to be part of the domain layer, used by other domain entities, or should it be used by the Application layer? For example, I have a system where an administrator can create new user accounts. By default these new user accounts should have the following security settings: Associated wit...

Castle 2.5/NHibernate/Magnum/NServiceBus

Hi, Is there anyone out there having a working Castle 2.5 based stack including NHibernate (2.1.2.x), FluentNHibernate, Magnum, NServiceBus, rRhino.Security up and running built for .Net 4? thanks in advance & greetings, chris ...

S#arp Architecture - Rhino Security (unmapped class: Rhino.Security.IUser)

Hi, I'm using S#arp Architecture 1.6 and have implemented the Rhino Security integration as per Rhino Security - S#arp Architecture I'm using the latest build from Rhino.Commons My Application_EndRequest method contains ISession session = NHibernateSession.Current; My ComponentRegister.cs contains container.Kernel.Regis...