
RDoc : Change name of 'Atttributes:' section in ri-documentation

I'm using some meta-programming to generate a bunch of methods in ruby like so: class EmotionalObject def self.mood( name, *details ) define_method(name) do # ... end end mood :happy, #... mood :sad, #... mood :ebuillent, #... #... end I know that I can pass rdoc '-A mood' to get it to recognize my mood gen...

Why does my Ruby 'ri' tool not return results in command prompt?

Greetings, When I try to use Ruby's ri tool in a command prompt window to acquire information about classes, methods, etc. it seems to always fail. For example if I type ri Array I get a message saying Updating class cache with 0 classes... Nothing known about Array What should I do to configure Ruby's ri tool to work? Thanks. ...

Is ri worth showing new users? (Ruby)

I've been working on a Ruby learning guide and I was told I should write about RI (Ruby Interactive Reference). After looking around the web I decided there wasn't that much information about the tool. Is that a problem? RI seems like a terribly ineffective tool, and poorly designed! Manpages have always been a ghastly sight to read whi...

Why does Ruby's ri not return to a bash command prompt (maybe Unix question)?

When I execute ri ... in a terminal on my Mac, I get, maybe, 50 blank lines, then the output I'm expecting, then a last line: (END) , with (END) displayed with white letters on black background. I am not returned to bash, however -- ri is still running, and I can't enter anything. Also, why all the blank lines? What's up? Cary ...

What is the difference between ri and rdoc

Whenever I install gems I see ri and rdoc follow. I know this is documentation but what is the difference between the two and how to use them? ...

Unable to run fastri on cygwin: uninitialized constant Gem::Version (NameError)

I'm trying to setup fastri (http://eigenclass.org/hiki/fastri) on emacs running on cygwin in windows. The ruby install is also from cygwin, not the windows version of ruby. After downloading, unpacking the tarball and running setup.rb, when I attempt to run qri or fri, I get the following error message: [/cygdrive/g]$qri /usr/lib/r...