
Richtext editor for PHP - MySQL web application

I have a PHP web application inside where i need to have a rich text editor(with basic formating options) for my users to enter data in to the portal. Can any one tell me how to do this ? Will there be any change in the database saving part since i am saving data in a mysql DB Thanks in advance ...

A good rich text control for Silverlight

I'm looking for a good rich text control for Silverlight. The one on codeplex seems to be out of date and another free one I saw on vectorlight doesn't seem to save as RTF (it uses custom xml) or doesn't have printing capabilities. I'm thinking about dishing out some bucks for the Telerik, ComponentOne, or DevExpress rich text control, ...

Can I extend functionality of wx.richtext?

Can I somehow extend functionality of wx.richtext? I wanted to add superscript to it. Is it possible? I tried to subclass wx.RichTextAttr, but failed — I couldn't set the style. ...

How to use Rich Text editor for an XUL application

I am trying to implement Rich text editor like for my XUL application. It looks like i can't user tinymce as some of its scripts is using the element "document.body" and firefox is not supporting it. Did any implement a rich text editor in XUL. Please let me know. ...

Inserting ole object to TRxRichEdit

I'm using TRxRichEdit in my program. How can I insert ole object to RxRichEdit at run time. ...

c# richtext editor with smarttags

I'm looking for a richtextbox control which preferably has support for custom smart tags. The standard rich text editor in .net is a bit limited, so I'm just wondering if someone has a control to recommend. Some features I'm looking for is - being able to represent links with a different text than the link itself - being able to add a c...

Richtext editor control or component for winforms that looks/behaves like tiny MCE

I am looking for a free Richtext editor that functions like the TinyMCE editor but for a winforms app The most important part is that it must implement a editor toolbar so that the user does not need to learn a markup language ...

Retrieving Encrypted Rich Text file and showing it in a RichTextBox

OK, my need here is to save whatever typed in the rich text box to a file, encrypted, and also retrieve the text from the file again and show it back on the rich textbox. Here is my save code. private void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); ...

how do I get the height of a rich text content after word wrap?

Question A. Given A string in rich text format that may have paragraph, tabs, space, line break, indentation, (or even image?) A width for the word wrapping rich text control/editor How do I know the height of the content after it have performed all the word wrapping? Is there something like int MeasureRichTextHeightAfterWordWr...

Embedding video in my YUI rich text editor

I am few hours old using YUI rich text editor. I can only find the insert image button, what do i do to enable me insert videos? Thanks ...

Paste rich text into Flash?

Is it possible to capture rich text when pasting into Flash? Using a Flex TextEditArea, I can paste richly formatted text within Flash itself, but if I try to paste from an external source (say web page, microsoft word, etc) it comes in as plain text. Same for the reverse: if I copy rich text from within Flash, and paste to an external s...

Flex Itemrenderer issue with DropDown Control

I want to show rich text in dropdown control, for which I am using the following renderer. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:HBox xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://"> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ import spark.utils.TextFlo...