
Amazon S3 temporary URL to image works in IE and Firefox but not Safari

I'm using Amazon S3 to host images. The S3 bucket is private, so I generate a temporary URL (using Right AWS) with a 5-minute expiry to allow the image to be rendered. The URL looks like this (note: URL below will not work): https://mybucket.s3.amazonaws.com:443/attachments%2F30%2Fsmall.png?Signature=J%2BXzQd95myCNv0Re8arMhuTFSvk%3D&...

Rails Paperclip conflict between aws-s3 gem and right_aws gem. How to solve?

Hi, for a new App I want to use paperclip to store Files to S3. I already have installed the aws-s3 gem for another app. That seems to cause some problems, because Paperclip should use right_aws but is trying to use the aws-s3 gem. But I don't want to remove the aws-s3 gem from my system. Is there a way to solve this conflict? Maybe by ...

Sqs vs SqsGen2 using RightScale right_aws GEM

I'm trying to use the right_aws (1.10.0) GEM with Rails, and I've reduced my problem to a 3-line irb session. The following works require 'rubygems' require 'right_aws' sqs = RightAws::Sqs.new("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx") while this fails require 'rubygems' require 'right_aws' sqs = RightAws::SqsGen2.new("xxxx...

How to change file permission of all files in a S3 bucket using either aws-s3 gem or right_aws gem

Is there a way to change the permission of every single file in a S3 bucket using either aws-s3 gem or right_aws gem? I can't find it in the documentation. Do I have to do each file individually? I would like to grant "everyone" view permission. ...