
Synchronization in Robotium

How long does robotium wait for a new activity to show up? Is it possible to set the timeout manually for the Solo instance? ...

Robotium: searchText vs clickOnText

Hi all, I have a strange situation: On a screen, I have the following string to click on: "1 Year Basic License ($15.00)" But the following code give me some headache: assertTrue(solo.searchText("1 Year Basic License ($15.00)")); solo.clickOnText("1 Year Basic License ($15.00)"); The test fails on the clickOnText statements! saying (in...

Android Robotium - How to simulate a date picker with robotium Solo class

Hi All, I'm trying to test a date picker scenario on android. I have the date picker which comes up when I click a text view(with id say v) which has a label on it along with a hint "Enter Date". The problem is that I'm trying to simulate this clicking of the text view and then selecting of the date from the date picker dialog. I canno...

Robotium: searchText

Hi all, I have a strange situation I can't explain myself. The following code works well: solo.sleep(1000); assertTrue(solo.searchText("Banking")); but the following code fails: assertTrue(solo.waitForText("Banking", 1, 1000)); Can someone can explain me this? Kind regards, Alban. ...

problem of robotium

I just start to use robotium. The demo can be run without any problem, but when I wrote first test script by using EditText and Button, problems occured. My environment is android 2.1 and the script is quite simple, just input username and psw, then click sumbit button to login. The script is as follows: package com.tpc.test; import co...

How do I write a Solo/Robotium testcase that uses the builtin camera to take a picture ?

From my activity I do startActivityForResult(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE), and then I land in the builtin camera activity (in this case in the emulator). When I now do: "solo.clickOnButton(0);" in my testcase, it does not find ANY button (null is found for index=0). How do I write a Solo/Robotium testcase that uses the builtin came...

Robotium test fails with: junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: View can not be clicked!

I just got started with Robotium and tried a first very simple test, but experience some problem which I can't explain / doesn't seem logic to me. I have a TabHost with an ActivityGroup and a toggle button on each activity that's displayed in the tabhost content section. When I press the toggle button, the tab content area changes to an...

Android test annotations with Robotium

Hey all, I'm currently building an app in Android, and using Robotium to do functional tests (PS don't use Robotium on anything less that Android 1.6, it is way too buggy). Some of these tests have a random tendency to fail, mainly Robotium missing a text field, or timing out, not reading text. I am trying to use the @FlakyTest annotat...