
numericUpDown prevent rounding int

hi, I'm using numericUpDown with C# to represent integers. But there is a problem representing "big values". For instance if I assgin 127 to numericUpDown, it's displayed correctly. However, if I assign 12912347 it gets rounded to 12912350. How can I avoid numericUpDown rounding integers? (numericUpDown settings are: DecimalPlaces 0; M...

C++ program not behaving as expected, double is converting up when it shouldn't be.

Hi guys, I was making a program that rounds up numbers with various decimal places, so as an example 2001.3666 would end up as 2001.37, I managed to make this work by adding 0.005 then times 100 and converted to a int and then divided again by 100. Everything worked fine, no issues there, was having some fun making some loops too and ...

Round money to nearest 10 dollars in Javascript

Hi all, How can I round a decimal number in Javascript to the nearest 10? My math is pretty rubbish today, it could be the 2 hour sleep :/ Some sample cases $2823.66 = $2820 $142.11 = $140 $9.49 = $10 I understand I probably need a combination of Math.round/floor but I can't seem to get expected result. Any help/pointers appreciat...

Access 2000-Stop Auto Rounding

I am working with a table that someone else designed. The field is designated as a number. I want to enter a 2 digit number with one decimal place. [Ex: 27.5] The field is automatically rounding to the ones place with a 0 in the tenths place. (27.0) The field size doesn't matter, I have tried them all. I put in formatting and an inpu...

will css ever have border:1px solid black round; ?

Do you think CSS will ever have the ability to provide round borders and how will it be accomplished? ...

how to check if the number is integer?

I was surprised to learn that R doesn't come with a handy function to check if the number is integer. is.integer(66) # FALSE The help files warns: is.integer(x) does not test if x contains integer numbers! For that, use round, as in the function is.wholenumber(x) in the examples. The example has this custom function as a "...

how to make "pretty rounding" in R?

I need to do a rounding like this and convert it as a character: as.character(round(5.9999,2)) I expect it to become "6.00", but it just gives me "6" Is there anyway that I can make it show "6.00"? Thanks! ...

How to round down to nearest X number - pseudocode for VBScript

Hey I'm trying to round down a number to the nearest say 15, 20, 30. ie 726 to the nearest 30 is 700 714 to the nearest 15 is 700 etc VBScript code would be very helpful but pseudocode would also be a huge help! EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to say, that 726 is really a time expressed as an int, ie 07:26. So this should be 07:00, not 690 E...

Bitten by division rounding?

Why does the following code: Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:C0}", 2170/ 20)); yield "$109", while doing Console.WriteLine(Math.Round(2170 / 20)); gives me 108? How can I get 2170 / 20 give me 109? ...

Get only two decimal points in money datatype in SQL Server

SELECT ROUND(123.4567, 2) gives me 123.4600. But I need 123.46. Data type of field is money. SOLUTION <%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "FieldName","{0:0.00}")%> ...

dijit.form.Number rounding issue after 14th digit after point

I have a Dojo number control which shows 30 digits after point. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to set e.g. 30th digit after point, because once controls loses focus, it sets this back to 0. For instance, I have 12.000000000000000000000000000000 in a control. I try to make it 12.000000000000000000000000000001 but after I finish editing it s...

Easiest way to add a CSS border, dropshadow, and rounded corners for my content

OK, I have my site going pretty well here: But I've realized that if the end-user's monitor is big enough to display the animation on the sides of the pages (which mostly every desktop's monitor and some laptop's can) than I believe my main content would look better with a little red / black border, and some ...

using jquery, how would i find the closest match in an array, to a specified number

using jquery, how would i find the closest match in an array, to a specified number For example, you've got an array like this: 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, ... What number is closest to 4? 4 would return 3 2 would return 3 5 would return 3 6 would return 8 ive seen this done in many different languages, but not in jquery, is this possible to d...

Math.Round methodology, starting at the smallest decimal

There have been many threads started over the confusion in the way that Math.Round works. For the most part, those are answered by cluing people in to the MidpointRounding parameter and that most people are expecting MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero. I have a further question though about the actual algorithm implemented by AwayFromZero. G...

PHP minimum precision on a number

I have a list of numbers coming from a database that range from 0.001 to 10 and I need to display them with a minimum precision of 2 decimal places but no maximum precision. Example numbers and expected conversion: 1 -> 1.00 0.1 -> 0.10 0.01 -> 0.01 0.001 -> 0.001 1.234 -> 1.234 0.035 -> 0.035 25.5 -> 25.50 Any Ideas? ...

Find the highest number in a set to be rounded down, and round it up instead

As the title describes, I have a set of objects - call them Allocations - which contain a description & a number. All numbers in the set add up to 100%, but for display purpose I sometimes round to a whole percent. In some edge cases, having rounded the numbers I end up with 99%. Example: Description | Actual | Rounded ==============...

How to Round() in Linq to SQL query?

In a LINQ To SQL query, how can I apply a Round function on a column in my output? My query is From s In oRecelDB.Items Where s.BIN = 'ABC' Select s.ITEMNMBR, s.QUANTITY and the results are ITEM I 35.0000 ITEM 2 45.0000 ITEM 3 23.0000 I want to remove the .00000 from the Second column value. How to do that in my query? ...

python round problem

I am facing the problem while dividing my max_sum = 14 total_no=4 so when i do print "x :", (total_sum/total_no) , I get 3 and not 3.5 I tried many ways for printing but failed, can somebody let me know what way I get in 3.5 format? Thank you ...

How do I round a positive and negative decimal in JSTL?

I have two numbers that I need to round to 4 decimal places in JSTL. One is positive: 40.7615811 40.7616 and the other is negative: -73.9940841 -73.9941 Both need to be rounded to 4 decimal places, as on the second line of each example. Is there a clean way to do this in JSTL or do I need to do this in a controller class or JSP s...

Oracle ceil for decimal numbers

When rounding up to 2 decimal places, the value 4.01132141 would be rounded to 4.02 because it exceeds 4.01. How can you do this in PL/SQL? ...