
C# ASP.NET MVC2 Routing Generic Handler

Hi, Maybe I am searching the wrong thing or trying to implement this the wrong way. I am dynamically generating an image using a Generic Handler. I can currently access my handler using: ImageHandler.ashx?width=x&height=y I would much rather access my handler using something like images/width/height/imagehandler Is this possible t...

Questions on routing in Rails 3 with Devise

I have a few related questions. I am new to Rails 3 after taking a year-long break from Rails in general. I am using Devise for authentication and I have a controller and model called 'User'. So, I can use 'localhost:3000/users/sign_out' to log the user out. I want to put a link at the top right that says 'logout' so when they click on...

Safe routing in my own framework using PHP - how

Hello. As almost every programmer, I'm writing my own PHP framework for educational purposes. And now I'm looking at the problem with parsing URLs for MVC routing. Framework will use friendly URLs everywhere. But the question is how to parse them in front controller. For example the link /foo/bar/aaa/bbb may mean "Call the controller's...

Rails 3 Routing Error - "No Route Matches"

I'm following along with the O'Reilly Rails book, but it's created for Rails 2, so I think that's where the error lies. In app/views/entries/sign_in.html.erb: <html> <head><title>Hello <%=h @name %> </title> </head> <body> <h1> Hello <%=h @name %></h1> <%= form_tag :action => 'sign_in' do %> <p>Enter your name: <%= text_field_ta...