
How do I deserialize a OWL document?

Hello, I created a bunch of classes using ROWLEX and had them serialized to RDF using RdfDocument rdfDocument = Rdfizer.Serialize(ontology); Now i would like to deserialize it (similar to how XmlSerializer.Deserialize() works) so that I could have the data in the ontology populated in my object I would like to do something like th...

Rowlex: A property node cannot contain more than one entity description

Hi, when using Rowlex OwlGrinder to generate an assembly from an OWL file the above error message is shown. The offending piece of OWL/XML is for example: <DisjointClasses> <Class URI="&foaf;Document"/> <Class URI="&foaf;Organization"/> </DisjointClasses> but the same error message is also thrown in the case of multiple s...

How does Rowlex relate to Protege and are there other .NET offerings for OWL?

I work with RDF and OWL but until I came to SO I'd never heard of Rowlex and OwlGrinder. It's got a much larger presence on SO than Protege or Pellet (although from a smallish number of active people). Is it primarily the .NET equivalent of Protege or does it take a different approach (It stresses the Open-world assumption). There's very...

ROWLEX: Classes with the same property names not working:ROWLEX

Hi I have some complex classes which many of then have a class as a property. I have tried to mark up the class file with th ROWLEX attribute markers but when more than one class has the same property name, the Rowlex extractor gives an error. I have produced a very simple set of classes Leg, Animal, Table. Both Table & Animal have Le...

Ontology in Rowlex

Hi, I am trying to use Rowlex for the opencalais ontology found here I have tried the zoo sample ontology and i am wondering how i can call the opencalais ontology fields. Thank you very very much ...

how to use camera ontology in ROWLEX

Hi I'm mot sure if I'm doing this wrong or not I don't know if I am supposed to add other ontologies If not, what can I do to get a camera ontology working please? Thanks ...

Does ROWLEX support SPARQL?

Hello, Does ROWLEX support SPARQL? Does ROWLEX support SQL Server? Does ROWLEX act lik Joseki server? Where can I find more detail information regarding ROWLEX besides Thank you in advance, Paul ...

Is ROWLEX 2.1 OWL2-aware?

Is ROWLEX 2.1 an OWL 2 or OWL 1 framework? ... within silverlight

Has anyone experience using rowlex generated classes within a silverlight application? Since we can't expose the classes as a RIA service, what would be the best solution to use them? Wouldn't it be nice if linqtordf and will be merged into a same solution... Thx, Bart ...